Thank for your reply! Yesterday, I set the redirect again, and it worked. Today, it doesn’t. It sends me back to the homepage.
If the maintenance run deleted it, it is a duplicate row because no old URLs have been removed for a while:
2018-09-05 01:46:20 UTC (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, Duplicate rows deleted: 4, Admin email notification option turned off., User initiated: false
This is from today’s debug report:
2018-09-05 11:36:29 UTC (DEBUG): Processing 404 for URL: /wie-zijn-we/ | Redirect: {“id”:0} | is_single(): | is_page(): | is_feed(): | is_trackback(): | is_preview(): | options: auto_redirects: 1, auto_score: 90, auto_cats: 1, auto_tags: 1, dest404page: 5|5, HTTP_USER_AGENT: ***, REMOTE_ADDR: ***, REQUEST_URI: /wie-zijn-we/
2018-09-05 11:36:29 UTC (DEBUG): No posts or pages matching slug: wie-zijn-we
2018-09-05 11:36:29 UTC (DEBUG): Logging redirect. Referer: | Current user: Marc Siepman | From: /wie-zijn-we/ to:, Reason: user specified 404 page. , Ignore msg(s): , Country:
The times in the debug log are two hours earlier than on my home computer. Does that mean MySQL is two hours off?
Hope this helps.