• I’m testing a course with free membership. The settings on the course to allow auto-enrollment when someone signs up for this membership, however auto-enrollment doesn’t occur – I have to manually add them to the course.

    When they’ve signed up and go to My Courses they can see the course and it says Status: Enrolled, but upon clicking it says they have to sign up. They click the signup button again and it says “You already have access to this course. Visit your dashboard here” And they just end up going around in circles.

    I’ve also tried with a paid membership and it’s the same. Additionally when I do manually enroll them I have to tell them to refresh the page because it won’t load the course until that’s done.

    I have no caching plugin and I’ve regularly purged cache at server level. I also set up a cron job at server level in case the default wordpress cron wasn’t working.

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  • Thread Starter traceyweb


    In addition to the above, I set it up on a staging site and disabled all plugins except LifterLMS and LifterLMS labs and changed theme to twenty four. The issue is the same. Here is a screenshot of the membership auto enrollment setting. And these are the status settings:

    Home Url: https://www.xxxxx.com
    Site Url: https://www.xxxxx.com
    Login Url: https://www.xxxxx.com/wp-login.php
    Version: 6.4.2
    Debug Mode: No
    Debug Log: No
    Debug Display: Yes
    Locale: en_GB
    Multisite: No
    Page For Posts: Not Set
    Page On Front: Home (#855) [https://www.xxxxx.com/]
    Permalink Structure: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
    Show On Front: page
    Wp Cron: Yes Settings
    Version: 7.5.0
    Db Version: 7.5.0
    Course Catalog: Course Catalog (#2725) [https://www.xxxxx.com/courses/]
    Membership Catalog: Membership Catalog (#2726) [https://www.xxxxx.com/memberships/]
    Student Dashboard: Dashboard (#2728) [https://www.xxxxx.com/dashboard/]
    Checkout Page: Purchase (#2727) [https://www.xxxxx.com/purchase/]
    Course Catalog Per Page: 9
    Course Catalog Sorting: menu_order
    Membership Catalog Per Page: 9
    Membership Catalog Sorting: menu_order,ASC
    Site Membership: Member (#3237) [https://www.xxxxx.com/membership/member/]
    Courses Endpoint: my-courses
    Edit Endpoint: edit-account
    Lost Password Endpoint: lost-password
    Vouchers Endpoint:
    Autogenerate Username: no
    Password Strength Meter: no
    Minimum Password Strength:
    Terms Required: yes
    Terms Page: Terms & Conditions (#3263) [https://www.xxxxx.com/refund_returns/]
    Checkout Names:
    Checkout Address:
    Checkout Phone:
    Checkout Email Confirmation: no
    Open Registration: no
    Registration Names:
    Registration Address:
    Registration Phone:
    Registration Voucher:
    Registration Email Confirmation: no
    Account Names:
    Account Address:
    Account Phone:
    Account Email Confirmation: no
    Confirmation Endpoint: confirm-payment
    Force Ssl Checkout: yes
    Country: GB
    Currency: GBP
    Currency Position: left
    Thousand Separator: ,
    Decimal Separator: .
    Decimals: 2
    Trim Zero Decimals: no
    Recurring Payments: yes
    Email From Address: [email protected]
    Email From Name: xxxx
    Email Footer Text: www.xxxxx.com
    Email Header Image: 3010
    Cert Bg Width:
    Cert Bg Height:
    Cert Legacy Compat:
    LLMS_REMOVE_ALL_DATA: undefined
    LLMS_REST_DISABLE: undefined
    LLMS_SITE_IS_CLONE: undefined Gateways
    Manual: Enabled
    Manual Logging: no
    Manual Order: 1 Server
    Mysql Version: 10.4.26
    Php Curl: Yes
    Php Default Timezone: UTC
    Php Fsockopen: Yes
    Php Max Input Vars: 2500
    Php Max Upload Size: 128 MB
    Php Memory Limit: 256M
    Php Post Max Size: 128M
    Php Soap: Yes
    Php Suhosin: No
    Php Time Limt: 300
    Php Version: 8.1.27
    Software: Apache
    Wp Memory Limit: 40M
    HTTP USER AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Theme
    Name: Astra
    Version: 4.6.3
    Themeuri: https://wpastra.com/
    Authoruri: https://wpastra.com/about/?utm_source=theme_preview&utm_medium=author_link&utm_campaign=astra_theme
    Child Theme: No
    Llms Support: Yes Plugins
    Add From Server: 3.4.5
    Astra Widgets: 1.2.12
    Contact Form 7: 5.5.6
    Duplicate Page: 4.5.3
    Elementor: 3.18.3
    Essential Addons for Elementor: 5.9.3
    LifterLMS: 7.5.0
    LifterLMS Labs: 1.8.0
    Responsive Lightbox & Gallery: 2.4.6
    Simple Local Avatars: 2.7.7
    Super Video Player: 1.7.0
    BbPress: No
    BuddyPress: No
    Template Overrides
    Plugin Support Nick Mariano


    Hi @traceyweb,

    When this issue happens, is the user also automatically logged in to the site after making the purchase (assuming this is a first time student on your site)?

    Since the issue persists on your staging website even after you switched to a default theme (e.g., Twenty Twenty Four) and deactivated all plugins (except LifterLMS and LifterLMS Labs), then further troubleshooting needs to be done. For example, can you verify that your student dashboard page, checkout page, and course/lesson pages are excluded from the CDN cache (if you or your host is using a CDN)?

    We also recommend that you enable debug mode and debug logging and try again. You can then investigate the debug logs and see if there is any useful log there that can point to what is causing the autoenrollment to fail. Please also check if the issue happens on brand new courses and brand new memberships that you create on your staging site, and if the issue happens in multiple different browsers in incognito mode / private mode. For example, it’s possible to experience this issue in one browser but not the other.

    It’s also advisable to investigate potential server related problems by contacting your hosting provider. They should readily have access to tools that would help them further diagnose this issue for you.

    Thread Starter traceyweb


    Thank you. After a LOT of testing I discovered it’s something to do with memberships. If I delete the membership then it works. I thought a student needed to be part of a membership in order to sign up but it appears not to be the case. When it just has a free Access Plan associated with the course everything works.

    Plugin Support Nick Mariano


    Hi @artisanweb,

    We’re unable to replicate this exact issue at the moment with LifterLMS Memberships. You are correct that LifterLMS memberships are not required in order to enroll to a course — as long as you add access plans directly to the courses in question.

    If we understand your correctly, in your previous (non-working) setup:

    1. The individual courses do not have an access plan.
    2. These course are added to a membership in WordPress Dashboard > Memberships through that memberships Membership Settings > Auto Enrollment > Add Courses.
    3. The membership has an access plan (free or paid).
    4. Most importantly, the courses are added to the membership before the students enroll on them.

    Note that in point 4 above, if I add a new course to a membership that already has existing enrollments, those students will not be automatically enrolled to that new course. You’ll need to manually enroll the students by clicking on the Enroll All Members button from Membership Settings > Auto Enrollment.

    On the other hand, if your previous non-working setup is the not setup described above, we’ll need more information to replicate the issue you are having. In particular, we’ll need some step by step instructions on how to replicate your previous non-working this on a fresh install of WordPress and fresh install of LifterLMS (if that previous setup is not the standard setup we describe above).

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