• Resolved unudelaradio


    Hello! First of all here are my settings:

    Dynamic Tag: Current Date Time
    Date Format: D, H:i
    Condition: Between
    Compare Type: String to time
    Conditional value 1: Sun, 18:00
    Conditional value 2: Sun, 21:00

    Now here are my questions:
    1. This will work every week? This section will reappear every Sunday at 18:00 and disappear at 21:00?
    2. I’m using this settings for a live radio schedule named ON AIR NOW. Is there a solution for an auto-refresh/reload? So that at 21:00 this section to auto-hide. And the next one set it for 21:00 to appear!

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  • Plugin Author rtowebsites


    Hello @unudelaradio,

    you have to try if it work, if it works for one week, it will work for all weeks, but we do not think it works this way. The Date Format should be standard Format or “U” for unix timestamp. The Plugin tries anyway to convert the the time to a unix timestamp.

    For your second issue, there is no way to this with this Plugin. You need to create an extra JS extension for it. Or if you want to do this clean, you should work with Web Sockets. So your Server could send every client to refresh the page at a given time.

    We close this issue, if u need any further help, feel free to open a new issue.

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