Auto homepage redirection after creating new page
Hello! I have discovered following problem. I build my web page on wp 3.0.1 sk (slovak version) and atahualpa 3.6.1 theme. I create things what I need – some posts categories, some pages and publish some posts. Then I automatically upgrade instalation to 3.0.4 sk and then to 3.0.5 sk. Then I create new page. And after this my problem appears – my homepage and landing page is automatically redirected to created page.
To solve this problem I have done:
a) check the wp settings, but there was nothing changed
b) downgrade on version 3.0.4 sk, there was the same problem
c) downgrade on 3.0.1 sk – there was no problemSo now I run again on 3.0.1 sk version.
The auto redirection appears only in 3.0.4 sk and 3.0.5 sk version. I think it is more wp as atahualpa theme problem.
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