• Resolved zappmania


    My site runs on the latest version of WordPress on a shared Windows server
    The previous version of W3TC was doing a fantastic job of minifying. Since upgrading, NOTHING works. I get a constant “Minify Auto encountered an error. The filename length value is most likely too high for your host. It is currently 150. The plugin is trying to solve the issue for you: (solving …)” error every time I enable minifying. I have played around with the filename length values but no luck.
    details are given below :

    Site: https://www.zappmania.in

    Plugin Version:
    PHP Version: 5.2.17;
    Web Server: Microsoft IIS
    FTP functions: Installed (required for Self-hosted (FTP) CDN support)
    Multibyte String support: Installed (required for Rackspace Cloud Files support)
    cURL extension: Installed (required for Amazon S3, Amazon CloudFront, Rackspace CloudFiles support)
    zlib extension: Installed (required for compression support)
    Opcode cache: Not installed
    Memcache extension: Not installed
    HTML Tidy extension: Not installed (required for HTML Tidy minifier suppport)
    Mime type detection: Not installed (required for CDN support)
    Hash function: Installed (hash) (required for NetDNA / MaxCDN CDN purge support)
    Safe mode: Off
    Open basedir: Off
    zlib output compression: Off
    set_time_limit: Available
    Additional modules

    New Relic
    PHP version: Supported
    Operating System: Not Supported. Windows NT BJJI-GLOBEDNS 5.2 build 3790 See NewRelic requirements page.
    Web Server: Not Supported. Microsoft-IIS/6.0 See NewRelic requirements page.

    Fancy permalinks: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
    WP_CACHE define: Defined (true)
    URL rewrite: Disabled
    Network mode: No


Viewing 11 replies - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)
  • css files are not minifying like they used to …

    I disabled the filename length check, but it only helps not to show the warning message. Auto Minify still does not work for CSS.

    Why ruin a good thing ? It used to work just fine before the last 2 updates.

    Well, they obviously wanted to improve their product and not cause for an error like this. Let’s just hope they are working on it and we can again be thankful for such a brilliant (free!) plugin. Just my 2 cents.

    Well, I take back what I said. I downgraded to 2 versions back and it is still the same css not being minified, it seems. If I remember correctly, I may be wrong of course, the css was minified in the older versions that when one looks at the generated html code, everything is unreadable. This time, I see css lines clearly arranged in rows, easily readable.

    Anyway, I didn’t complain 2 versions back, so I guess it’s fine with me. I can always use BWP-Minify if I feel like it …

    Thanks, W3TC guys, at least for the cache part which still works great !

    Plugin Contributor Frederick Townes


    The latest version gives option to disable the test and enter a value manually. Default value before was 150 characters. Since different servers support different file name length limits, the plugin needs to try and find the optimal length. The longer the file name supported the fewer minified files are generated per page.

    @leanderbraunschweig Does wp-content/cache/minify/.htaccess contain text should be rewrite rule, rewritecond etc. If not try to add the minify rules from the install page of the plugin manually. If this doesnt help could you send a bug report from the support page so we can look closer?

    @astrasuite Do you have Minify Debug enabled?

    @frederick, no, it is disabled …

    Our website is at :


    Maybe you can just do a quick glance at the page source and see if css minify is working as normal or not … I am not sure at the moment.

    Plugin Contributor Frederick Townes


    If you can submit a bug submission from the support tab of the plugin I can take a look.

    @frederick The .htaccess does list Rewrite Rules etc. so that isn’t the issue – since the problem persists I went ahead and submitted a bug report. Looking forward to you/your team looking into it. Thanks.

    Is there anywhere we can download the old version from? I was getting the same errors described in this thread, and now on a different server I’m getting the random blank white pages issue on some pages, which only seems to occur after visiting the page a few times.

    Check out https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/w3-total-cache/developers/ – that’s the tab listing the previous versions for WordPress-plugins

    Thread Starter zappmania



    New version is cool and works great.

    Developer thanks for fixing the issue My new rating is 5 out of 5

    [sig moderated as per the Forum Rules]

    I stopped the automatic file length, then a choose a number that works with my server.

    In my case I choose the bigger one 246.

    For those people that are getting this error:

    “The filename length value is most likely too high for your host”

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