• This is my second season using your SportsPress and therefore I’m encountering a few issues with automatic lists that are messing up the first season and current lists.

    Here’s an example

    Player A
    Season 2015
    Division A
    Team Giants

    Player B
    Season 2015
    Division A
    Team Giants

    Player C
    Season 2015
    Division B
    Team Raiders

    Player D
    Season 2015
    Division C
    Team Lions

    So in 2015, I had an automatic player list setup. Example criteria
    Season 2015, Division A
    it yielded results of:
    Player A
    Player B
    worked perfectly!
    Now in 2016, I’m adding the new season to all players and adding updated divisions for players that moved to a new division:

    Player A
    Season 2015, Season 2016
    Division A, Division B
    Team Giants

    Player B
    Season 2015, Season 2016
    Division A
    Team Giants

    Player C
    Season 2015, Season 2016
    Division B, Division A
    Team Raiders

    Player D
    Season 2015, Season 2016
    Division C
    Team Lions

    Now in 2016, I want to generate a list of Season 2016 Division A Players, but I get
    Player A, Player B and Player C
    when it’s really only supposed to be Player B and Player C
    if I remove the Division A from Player A it messes up the stats page from 2015.
    Leaving it also messes up the stats page from 2015 because now Player C is on the 2015 list because they now have Division A in their profile.
    I manage over 178 players. Am I doing something wrong?


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  • Hi!
    I have the same question! Went in here to ask it and found this.
    Haven’t tried it yet, but I think this emergency solution would work. For example concerning you Player D: Add a “Division C – 2016” And add all players in this division for 2016 in there. Then you create a player list based on “Division C – 2016”. That should pick up the players just for 2016. Repeat for all divisions you have…

    Note! Above is not a solution for the long run! It is just a “quick” fix. I really hope this can be addressed as soon as possible. The new seasons are already going. And the lists are messed up… To fix the problem I’m guessing there has to be a season for each competition (Division in you question). As it is now all competitions share the same season.

    If I am wrong about the above, I apologize and will happily take advice for how it should be done! ??

    Using WordPress 4.4.2, Sportspress Pro 1.9.20 and SportsPress for Football (Soccer) 0.94.

    Hi @knut23

    Your solution is a good one.

    The problem there guys, is that the criteria IS met, Division A AND 2016 for example. There is no way to automatically run each player and check if both occurred at the same time.

    Another option is to use a sub-division for each year. So A would have 2015, 2016 and so on. This will help a little bit in your organization

    Kind Regards,

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