• It’s supposed to catch the first image … but for some reason, it seems to be jumping that and selecting a subsequent image.

    The first image has the following format:
    <img src=”/images/wiki/musclerelaxingcreamdisp.jpg”> <div id=”product_tabs_description_tabbed_contents”> <h2>Details</h2>
    <div class=”std”>

    which it skips, and stops tags similar to :
    <img style=”display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;” src=”https://www.wikaniko.com/shop/media/wysiwyg/aloescience.jpg&#8221; alt=”” /></span></p>

    In short, it ignored “<img src …” in preference for “<img s***” (in this case style)

    I’ve looked at code, and it looks like it SHOULD have captured the first line, (preg_match_all(‘/<\s*img [^\>]*src\s*=\s*[\””\’]?([^\””\’>]*)/i’) but it skips for some reason. Alas, don’t know enough about regex to decode that pattern.

    Can anyone throw any light?

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