• Resolved completetech


    Whenever a new post is made Blog2Social will not automatically post to Instagram. I use another plugin for posting to Facebook Page and Twitter. So the only thing Blog2Social is supposed to do is auto post to Instagram. But it does not.

    I am able to go to each one of my posts individually and then post them. But to be honest. I just dont have the time for that.

    I have followed the guide and everything seems to be correct. But it won’t auto post.

    If someone could maybe give some advice on what to look for I would appreciate it.

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  • Plugin Support Blog2Social-Support


    Hello @completetech

    Thank you for reaching out.
    Would you be so kind to check if you have enabled the Auto-Posting feature in your Blog2Social settings?
    Please go to: Blog2Social -> settings -> in the middle area on Auto-Posting.
    Select “new posts” and “already existing post” if you want to publish new post and edited post automatically in your social media.

    Feel free to have a look into our guide which shows you step by step how you can use the Blog2Social-Auto-Posting feature:

    With the Blog2Social-Auto Poster you can share your content on your Facebook-page and on Twitter as well.

    Thread Starter completetech


    Yes. These items are checked. I can’t seem to upload an image to show you.

    I did follow that guide and still having an issue

    Plugin Support Blog2Social-Support


    Hello @completetech,

    Thanks for your reply.

    In this case, would you be so kind to check your system requirements for Blog2Social? You can check them with our checklist:
    “System requirements for installing Blog2Social”

    You can check and compare this list with the Troubleshooting-Tool file.
    With the Blog2Social-Troubleshooting tool you can check all necessary system requirements as well. If any requirements are not met, please ensure that they are updated.
    “How to check your blog settings with the Troubleshooting-Tool” https://www.blog2social.com/en/faq/index.php?action=artikel&cat=9&id=147&artlang=en

    Furthermore, please make sure that Heartbeats are enabled in your blog.

    Thread Starter completetech


    According to the tool every requirement is met.

    I also as of the first post disabled my other social posting plugin and am using Blog2Social to post to a Facebook Page as well as to post to instagram.

    What I am noticing based upon the calendar. it appears to be posting everyone of my articles to Facebook page but nothing to instagram.

    Wondering what else I could be missing. I’ve followed the guide way to many times and everything looks correct.

    Plugin Support Blog2Social-Support


    Hello @completetech,

    Thanks for your reply.
    May we ask if you receive any notifications in Blog2Social?
    Please follow the path on the left sidebar of your WordPress.blog backend and click on:
    “Blog2Social” -> Site&Blog Content” -> in the middle area on “Notifications” and then on “details” of the respective post. A list will open. Please let us know if there are any notifications for Instagram.

    Furthermore, may we ask if you want to share your own created posts on Instagram?
    Or do you publish your posts automatically on your blog via RSS Feed or Plugin?
    Please note: Imported posts which are published on your blog automatically via RSS or plugin are currently shared with the Blog2Social-Auto Poster on Facebook, Twitter and Google My Business.

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