• hi, I’ve been using wp attachment plugin that automatically shows attachment on published post but I saw that the plugins is now disabled due to vulnerability.

    I looked for more similar plugin and found one from dfactory which is also disabled. https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/download-attachments/

    I have thousand of post that requires this type of plugins and editing them would take me forever

    May i know if the vulnerability has been fixed by wordpress yet? Or this type of plugin is no longer allowed?

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  • For both plugins you mentioned, the reason for their temporary shutdown in the WordPress repository is different in each case. It is also displayed on their plugin pages.

    Since none of the plugins say anything about “permanently closed” or similar, it is likely that they will be available again soon. It is up to the respective plugin developers to decide if and when this happens. They will have to get back to the plugin team with a correction to their plugin to resolve this. As long as this does not happen, they will remain in their current state.

    Again: the fix is not provided by “WordPress” (whoever that should be). It is the responsibility of the plugin developer.

    How you proceed is entirely up to you. You can continue to use the plugins, just be aware that there may be security issues with them, which could make your project vulnerable.

    I’m not aware of any alternatives to the two plugins, also because I don’t know exactly what your specific requirements are. You want to display download files in a post? Or do you need more than just that?

    Thread Starter spiney


    Hi, thanks for the explanation. Both of the plugin auto display any zip,pdf,rar attachment automatically once uploaded into post.

    It’s a godsend for sites that offer a lot of download files.

    If you use the block editor, you could use my own plugin for this: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/download-list-block-with-icons/

    Otherwise I am aware of this plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/download-manager/ – here you could find more: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/tags/download-manager/

    Thread Starter spiney


    I have tested your plugin, and it’s the closest to what I want, but it still requires me to edit older posts and select files to display. I have posts dating back to early 2010, and the WP attachment plugin I’m using right now automatically shows any attached files on both older and new posts on the front end. Sorry if I wasn’t clear before.

    But I do really like your plugin and it’s suitable for starting new project. thank you for your recommendations

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