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  • Not sure.


    Thread Starter Mr. Bingley


    when i click on the ‘autoupdate’ link i get this:

    Connection Information

    To perform the requested action, connection information is required.
    Hostname (data field)
    Username (data field)
    Password (data field)

    username/password i can figure out, but the hostname field has me somewhat stumped. my blog’s url doesn’t work; could it be looking for the exact address of my hosting serice server?

    Blind stab here without knowing your hosting setup but try
    Hostname: localhost
    Works with most hosting setups.

    it wants the ftp info for the auto upgrades

    Thread Starter Mr. Bingley


    ah, thanks samboll; i’ll give that a try!

    Thread Starter Mr. Bingley


    funny though how the previous upgrades just sort of…happened; they didn’t need this info.


    Along the same lines – I just used the domain name “” (no quotes) without the ftp or www. It seems to connect ok but I get this message:

    Unable to locate WordPress Root directory.
    Installation Failed

    My wp is installed in the root – what I see on ftp connect is several directories, one of which is “httpdocs” – my “root” is inside that directory.


    you may need to do it manually then – not all servers allow this to work

    I’m experiencing the same thing. Host is A Small Orange. Upgrades have worked fine without a ftp connection.

    I have 2 WP installations, neither on the root.

    So, I guess we’re on our own here? I see this issue is “not resolved”.

    Here’s what ASO’s tech support instructed me to do, which worked:

    Hostname: WP had inserted “http”, but this had to be my website address

    Username & Password: replace what WP filled in with cPanel login information.

    WP is asking for this everytime I install a plugin now. Since it doesn’t seem to be happening for everyone, including everyone whose blogs are hosted by A Small Orange, I’m guessing there is a problem somewhere. Since this is not a shared computer, I allowed my browser to save the username and password information, though WordPress may do that on its own.

    Hope this helps.

    I had this same question and problem for my first upgrade.
    Through trial and error I figured it out.
    It needs a FTP login so I created a separate ftp user in cpanel which has access to that specific directory (and subs) so as to not compromise my main ftp login for entire account in the event of a security breach.

    This is the format I used:

    Username: [email protected]
    Password: *******

    That worked!

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