• Hi!

    By default the front page of a autofocus theme has 10 links in Home section. I changed the placement and I would like to have 7 links instead of 10 links:

    I did reduce the featured.post count from 10 to seven in style.css but it does not seem to have a effect:

    .home .featured.post.p1 {border-bottom:5px solid #FFF;width:765px;}
    .home .featured.post.p1 .post-content{width:760px;}
    .home .featured.post.p2 {border-left:5px solid #FFF;border-bottom:5px solid #FFF;width:380px;}
    .home .featured.post.p2 .post-content{width:375px;}
    .home .featured.post.p3 {border-bottom:5px solid #FFF;width:380px;}
    .home .featured.post.p3 .post-content{width:375px;}
    .home .featured.post.p4 {border-left:5px solid #FFF;border-bottom:5px solid #FFF;width:380px;}
    .home .featured.post.p4 .post-content{width:375px;}
    .home .featured.post.p5 {border-left:5px solid #FFF;border-bottom:5px solid #FFF;width:380px;}
    .home .featured.post.p5 .post-content{width:375px;}
    .home .featured.post.p6 {border-bottom:5px solid #FFF;width:380px;}
    .home .featured.post.p6 .post-content{width:375px;}
    .home .featured.post.p7 {border-left:5px solid #FFF;border-bottom:5px solid #FFF;width:765px;}
    .home .featured.post.p7 .post-content{width:760px;}

    If it is any help, I have figured that benjacobsen has managed to solve that problem: https://www.benjacobsen.com/

    Thank you!

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  • actually if you put two slashes in front of that line in functions.php
    like this
    //$GLOBALS[‘content_width’] = 800;
    it makes this piece of code non functional and it gives you the result you want. If you don’t see any other trouble you can do that too.

    thank you AxelYa! is there a way to choose spacing for each one or is it a universal setting?

    taunot, i like your use of autofocus. it looks really nice. the homepage blocking looks great.

    AxelYa & Taunot,
    1. is there a way to order (or randomize) the homepage posts? alan has a lot of drawings and they look funny when there is a full page of drawings. i love how the color images look beside one another and would like to splice in drawings between the paintings.

    2. i’m looking for the easiest way to navigate to the different categories in my site. the pages in the header seem redundant for navigation. can i insert categories as navigation in the header or should i simply use “Page Post Association” or “Quick Page/Post Redirect”? i think “Archive Template” might be what i’m looking for but i’m not sure how to proceed. maybe like this:


    3. i’d like to have a blog page where people can wish alan happy birthday and simply say hello (open enrollment for posts, etc). any recommendations on how to do this on a “Blog” page?


    thank you so much!!

    ok, for question #1 is there anything easier than modifying the loop?

    for question #2 i’ve found a solution… lemme know what you think:

    i found that i can navigate to the categories via url. ie:

    so i used “Quick Page/Post Redirect” to fwd the page to the URL ??
    any other suggestions?



    If you look at the first post in this thread you will see a part of css file and there border-bottom border-left. You can style each border for each image.
    Regarding order of posts there might be a way to organize loop function in a way you want.
    Happy Birthday ! could it be just comments people leave on that page?

    ok thanks i will check the css file!

    yes it can be just comments (i’d like them to be able to post pics too). thoughts?

    Hey AxelYa & Taunot

    I think I’ve got the same problem that Taunot met before. My picture are wider than the container on the homapage. It’s like they’re totally zoomed in the box and I can’t resize them…

    I tried the change the admin settings (min & max)

    I also tried to add (in functions.php) the two slashs in front of $GLOBALS[‘content_width’] = 800; and also the change the 800…

    And nothing works… I don’t know what to do…
    I’m hosting my blog locally so I can’t send you the link but I can send some codes if you need to see…

    Thank a lot in advance! Any tip would be welcome ??

    Hey everyone.

    I’ve been playing around with the Autofocus theme and i have 1 question. I’m trying to make the height of ONLY the first image on the homepage taller. Essentially, I want the current days post, to be at full size (450 height) and then the rest at a smaller size (300 height)

    any ideas?

    here’s the test ive been doing:


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