Autogenerated meta not added to database
I have the autogenerate option enabled, but when I post a new post or page, the autognerated meta does not appear in wp_postmeta table. Is does appear in post AIOSEOP metabox in grey font, though, and the meta is added when I manually add my aioseop data on my post page.
The plugin options are:
[aiosp_home_title] => (hidden)
[aiosp_home_description] => (hidden)
[aiosp_togglekeywords] => 0
[aiosp_home_keywords] => (hidden)
[aiosp_use_static_home_info] => 0
[aiosp_can] => on
[aiosp_no_paged_canonical_links] =>
[aiosp_customize_canonical_links] =>
[aiosp_rewrite_titles] => 1
[aiosp_force_rewrites] => 1
[aiosp_use_original_title] => 0
[aiosp_home_page_title_format] => %page_title%
[aiosp_page_title_format] => %page_title% | %blog_title%
[aiosp_post_title_format] => %post_title% | %blog_title%
[aiosp_category_title_format] => %category_title% | %blog_title%
[aiosp_archive_title_format] => %archive_title% | %blog_title%
[aiosp_date_title_format] => %date% | %blog_title%
[aiosp_author_title_format] => %author% | %blog_title%
[aiosp_tag_title_format] => %tag% | %blog_title%
[aiosp_search_title_format] => %search% | %blog_title%
[aiosp_description_format] => %description%
[aiosp_404_title_format] => Ничего не найдено для %request_words%
[aiosp_paged_format] => – Part %page%
[aiosp_cpostactive] => Array
[0] => post
[1] => page
[2] => attachment
)[aiosp_cpostnoindex] =>
[aiosp_cpostnofollow] =>
[aiosp_posttypecolumns] => Array
[0] => post
[1] => page
)[aiosp_google_verify] =>
[aiosp_bing_verify] =>
[aiosp_pinterest_verify] =>
[aiosp_google_publisher] =>
[aiosp_google_disable_profile] =>
[aiosp_google_sitelinks_search] =>
[aiosp_google_set_site_name] =>
[aiosp_google_specify_site_name] =>
[aiosp_google_author_advanced] => 0
[aiosp_google_author_location] => Array
[0] => all
)[aiosp_google_enable_publisher] => on
[aiosp_google_specify_publisher] =>
[aiosp_google_analytics_id] =>
[aiosp_ga_advanced_options] => on
[aiosp_ga_domain] =>
[aiosp_ga_multi_domain] =>
[aiosp_ga_addl_domains] =>
[aiosp_ga_anonymize_ip] =>
[aiosp_ga_display_advertising] =>
[aiosp_ga_exclude_users] =>
[aiosp_ga_track_outbound_links] =>
[aiosp_ga_link_attribution] =>
[aiosp_ga_enhanced_ecommerce] =>
[aiosp_use_categories] => on
[aiosp_use_tags_as_keywords] => on
[aiosp_dynamic_postspage_keywords] => on
[aiosp_category_noindex] => on
[aiosp_archive_date_noindex] => on
[aiosp_archive_author_noindex] => on
[aiosp_tags_noindex] =>
[aiosp_search_noindex] =>
[aiosp_404_noindex] =>
[aiosp_tax_noindex] =>
[aiosp_paginated_noindex] =>
[aiosp_paginated_nofollow] =>
[aiosp_generate_descriptions] => on
[aiosp_skip_excerpt] => on
[aiosp_run_shortcodes] =>
[aiosp_hide_paginated_descriptions] =>
[aiosp_dont_truncate_descriptions] =>
[aiosp_schema_markup] => on
[aiosp_unprotect_meta] =>
[aiosp_redirect_attachement_parent] =>
[aiosp_ex_pages] =>
[aiosp_post_meta_tags] =>
[aiosp_page_meta_tags] =>
[aiosp_front_meta_tags] =>
[aiosp_home_meta_tags] =>
[aiosp_do_log] =>
[last_active_version] => 2.12.1
[aiosp_attachment_title_format] => %post_title% | %blog_title%
[aiosp_oembed_cache_title_format] => %post_title% | %blog_title%
[aiosp_user_request_title_format] => %post_title% | %blog_title%
[aiosp_wp_block_title_format] => %post_title% | %blog_title%
)Thanks for any help,
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