Hi @filak18
I hope you’re well today!
Currently it’s not possible out of the box as Forminator doesn’t create submission IDs on its own. A standard submission ID is just a standard DB auto-increment value and there’s no built-in “counter” like this in plugin code.
It might, however, be possible with a bit of customization. This code was built for slightly different purpose but should do just that: create such auto-incremented and consecutive custom submission IDs for selected forms:
You would need to specify forms to include (so it only would be applied to those forms) or to exclude (so it would be applied to all forms except those excluded) by their IDs and the starting value in this part of the code:
private $include_form_ids = [];
private $exclude_form_ids = [];//enter list exclude form ids, e.g: [234,456]
private $start_number = 1;
It should then store the numbers in “wpmudev_fm_custom_submission_id” option for the form.
Please check it and let me know if it suits your needs and if so, we’ll look into how to include that generated number into e-mail notification as well.
Best regards,