• Resolved B


    Hello, I’d like to report a bug with the Autoloader that appears in Site Health, I’m not the first one to see and report this bug and I believe this is a wordpress issue and not an issue with other plugins.

    Here’s what it shows in the health tab: Image – 1MB

    and now…

    Here’s what it shows up in the plugin Autoload Checker: Image – 644KB

    Here’s what it shows up in the plugin AAA Option Optimizer: Image – 643.9KB

    Here’s what it shows up in the plugin Breeze Cache: Image – 643.58KB

    And here’s what it shows up when I run a query in the database to check for the total value of the autoloaded options: Image the value is: 659339 (bytes) when converted to Kbytes it’s: 659.339kb

    As you can see I should not be receiving the autoloader warning, I’ve cleared all caches, cleaned the database, disabled caches, restarted the server, reinstalled wordpress, but this still shows up.

    There are other people who are having this same bug, they can be identified here:

    1. https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/61764 – The resolution here is that it’s a litespeed server/cache bug, but this is not true for me, I have tried it on a litespeed server with cache enabled and was able to remove this warning, further, my original server is not running on litespeed. So it is not a litespeed issue like mukesh27 says in the link.
    2. https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/autoloaded-options-issue-in-site-health/#post-17964576 – User misselenat?also has the same issue as I do.

    How can we try to solve this?

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  • Anton Vlasenko


    Hmm, this issue needs a proper fix.

    Until a proper fix is available, you can disable this message by increasing the?site_status_autoloaded_options_size_limit?value by adding the following code to the?functions.php?file of your active theme:

    // Modification start.
    // Remove this code snippet when https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/61764 is fixed.
    function set_autoloaded_options_size_limit_to_max( $size_limit ) {
    return PHP_INT_MAX;
    add_filter( 'site_status_autoloaded_options_size_limit', 'set_autoloaded_options_size_limit_to_max' );
    // Modification end.


    Querying the value directly in the database via SQL is the best idea to check this. However, you are making a mistake: autoload can have different values to set this to ‘yes’.

    Here is a working example:

    SELECT SUM(length(option_value)) 
    FROM wp_options
    WHERE autoload IN ( ‘yes’, ‘on’, ‘auto-on’, ‘auto’)

    See also: https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress/blob/master/wp-includes/option.php#L3173

    I have just used it to check several test systems of mine and cannot recognise any deviation like yours. Therefore 2 tips:

    a) Check it again with the above statement.
    b) Deactivate all plugins and activate a standard theme. There are some hooks on the way to the check that could be used to manipulate the value.

    Thread Starter B



    @antonvlasenko Thank you but for me there is no need since this bug doesn’t really annoy me that much, I will keep it like it is until there’s a fix.

    @threadi I tried your code and got the following error: Error in lookup (1054): Unknown column ‘‘yes’’ in ‘where clause’. I ran it trough claude and got the right sql query:

    FROM luk_options
    WHERE autoload IN ("yes", "on", "auto-on", "auto")

    This worked, I ran it in two tables:

    1. On the wp_options table, and got this value: 31314 which is = 32kb
    2. On the luk_options table, this is the options table with our database prefix that’s generated by the initial wordpress instalation for security reasons and it’s the table I called when I ran the command you see in the image. I got this value: 1661885 which is = 1662kb

    I’ve cleared all caches, restarted the server, disabled all plugins and I still have: “Your site has 1815 autoloaded options (size: 2 MB)”

    So, I’m still at a loss.

    UPDATE: I might have figured it out, I ran:

    SELECT option_name, length(option_value) as option_size
    FROM wp_options
    WHERE autoload IN ("yes", "on", "auto-on", "auto")
    ORDER BY option_size DESC

    And the top value was option_optimizer at nearly 800kb, ironically this is from the plugin https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/aaa-option-optimizer/, this is why after installing it my value increased from around 970kb to close to 2mb. I deleted it and now it’s giving me: Your site has 1749 autoloaded options (size: 828 KB)

    I think I figured this out. It will take me some troubleshooting time in the DB to make it right Joost de Valk you might want to check this.

    • This reply was modified 3 months ago by B.
    • This reply was modified 3 months ago by B.
    Thread Starter B


    We can mark it as solved, thank you @threadi for the idea, it worked.

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