Can you let us know exactly how those images were added to you posts, so that we can do some testing? Did you just use the built-in Image Block?
]]>Really sorry for not responding earlier. I normally receive an email notification when someone has responded.
I use the classic editor when formatting posts and so I add the images to posts via ‘Add Media’ and then I select centre for the positioning.
Hope that helps
Best regards
]]>a number of images/photos within the article were left-aligned when they should have been centred and the associated captions were not aligned correctly.
I checked our internal logs, and it looks like the issue you sent the ticket about wasn’t explicitly about this image and captions left-alignment issue; rather it was about some issues with your Categories not properly displaying in Subscriptions emails, is that right?
I also see that your site’s sync to our servers was a bit old again (three months old, to be precise), so I’ve manually triggered a new one of those.
Your original post here mentioned that this began again with “yesterday’s” recent post; has the problem persisted since then? And can you give us an exact date for when this began? Finally; did you update something immediately before you noticed this happening in the subscription emails?
Looking forward to hearing back from you.
]]>Thanks for your comprehensive response. I will do my best to answer all of your points.
1) – You make reference to your internal logs and an issue with categories. That was related to a ticket I raised about 4 or 5 months ago which was successfully resolved and I have had no issue with categories since then…so all good.
2) – The problem I have which still persists is that within the email that is automatically sent to my subscribers when a new post is published the images and associated captions should all be centred. This was previously resolved (aligned to the ticket I mentioned in 1) above…but has re-occurred.
3) – I am not technical so could you please explain what this sync is with your servers? Is this something I should be automating or doing manually? If the former, how do I set up automation and if the latter how do I do it manually?
Hope the above clarifies the situation.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards
]]>Just seen one other question…the problem started te day before I raised this ticket.
Hope that helps.
Best regards
]]>At this point, we’ll need to get some more information to try to figure out what’s happening.
Could you contact us via this contact form and mention this thread?
Can you also send us one of the affected emails there, so we can see what’s happening?
]]>I have followed your request via the contact form and submitted it accordingly.
Best regards
]]>Since we’ll be working on this with you there, I’m going to mark this thread as resolved.