• Hi,

    I just tried to update 3 plugins and it went in to maintenance until I cleared the cache and then the dashboard showed up blank with the message: “An automated WordPress update has failed to complete!”

    The site appears to be okay, but the dashboard is blank. Please help!

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  • Hi,

    You should turn on WP_DEBUG in your wp-config.php to look at the error.

    If error points to plugin.
    Use FTP to delete it and re-install via WordPress admin

    If error points to WordPress.
    Download new copy of WordPress and do a manual update on your website.

    Thank you

    Moderator t-p


    – If for some reason your server does not like auto updating, then try MANUALLY updating. Download a fresh copy of the WordPress .zip file to your computer, unzip it, and use that to copy up all files and folders EXCEPT the wp-config.php file and the /wp-content/ directory. You may need to delete the old wp-admin and wp-includes folders and files on your server before uploading the new ones. Please read the Manual Update directions first.
    Backup: If you haven’t already done, always backup everything (including your database) before doing any actions, just in case something really goes wrong. You can never have enough backups!

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