Thanks for your message. Although a full Channel Manager synchronization next to VikBooking is the right way to avoid overbooking, we understand your situation may be different.
If you are looking to collect the so called request-to-book reservations, then all you need to do is to set up VikBooking in a way that all reservations will be assigned to a “pending” (stand-by) status for manual approval by an administrator.
The status of the bookings is given by the selected payment method. By default, the free version of the plugin does not support custom payment methods, and so all bookings will be automatically confirmed. With the commercial version of the plugin instead, you can use one offline payment solution pre-installed, like the “Bank Transfer”, and give it a name like “Request Approval”. Thanks to the fact that this is an offline payment method, no transactions will take place and the status of the reservations will be “stand-by”. This way, the administrator(s) will be notified and it will be possible to follow up with the guests, amend their reservations, ask them to pay them online by changing payment method, or to manually confirm and accept the bookings to update the availability on your website.
We hope this is helpful!
The VikWP Team