• Resolved FACamargo


    I cannot make the “new” feature “automatic credit-card-type detection” to work. This feature is listed on GitHub in the changelog.md file, entry 2016.01.05 – version 1.6.0.

    I created a very minimal sample web-store at https://www.solcentral.com.br/loja2 in order to demonstrate this problem. This bare-bones web-store uses WordPress 4.53, Storefront 2.0.7, WooCommerce plugin v2.6.4 and “Cielo WooCommerce – Solu??o Webservice” plugin v4.0.11. Nothing else.

    I would like to see the “credit-card” badges/icons displayed in the credit-card number field at the checkout page, but they simply will not show up.

    The first attempt to blame is the payment gateway (Cielo…), but its creator, Mr. Claudio Sanches, swears to me that he has nothing to do with it. In fact, he has a sample store of his own which works fine at displaying the credit-card badges. One can see them at

    I also tried talking to WooThemes, but did not get any help there.

    I would like any pointers to things that I should look at in order to solve this problem.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated. And, please, forgive me for my typos.

    Thank you.

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  • Thread Starter FACamargo


    After some searching, I found the solution to the above problem:
    on my Windows 2008 R2 + IIS v7.5 Server, it had the mime-type for ‘.svg’ files defined as “image/svg”.

    I changed it to “image/svg+xml” and the problem was solved.

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