stefania_it, I thought you might be interested to hear what I’ve been working on to automate imports of CSV data. I know you want to automate exports but that may also be possible (and is the next thing I need to work on, so I do hope it is!).
I’ve been putting together a PHP cURL script which logs in to the wordpress admin panel and POSTs the necessary data & file to the PdB CSV import page, allowing PdB to take care of the import itself. The script could then be run on a cron and stored in a protected directory or possibly above the web root, to keep the login details safe.
I haven’t started to play with the export automation yet, so will need to figure out how/if it is possible to get the file to save to the server (from where it can then be emailed or whatever) rather than the download prompt. Hopefully the file will be returned to the cURL script and can simply be handled from there, but I’m not very familiar with cURL yet so this is a wild guess!