• Apologies if this has been asked elsewhere…
    I installed WP a couple of weeks ago, and so I’m still learning it’s quirks.
    One thing I’ve noticed is that once I’ve logged in, I stay logged in forever, until I explicitly logout. I’m assuming that when you login, WP sets a cookie so that if you revisit the site later, you don’t have to log in again.
    While this is a nice convenience for people who use their own PC at home, it would be better if users were given the choice of remembering their login or not. That way, if they’re using a Public computer, they don’t have to remember to explicitly log out.
    Does anyone know whether there are any patches/plugins which would allow this, or whether it’s even possible?

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  • the logout button is there for a reason.

    Just get in the habit of shutting the door when you leave work, just as you do when you leave home ??

    exactly. ?? i could not have said it better msyelf.

    I know my comment, though by no means meant to offend, upsets some people but I have always been concerned about the “dumbing down of America.” I don’t need warning labels telling me not to put the plastic bag my monitor came in over my head because it might cause suffocation, nor do I need a car that won’t start until I fasten my seatbelt. Likewise, I am perfectly capable of logging out when I want to be logged out and don’t want to have to continually “feed the meter” so to speak. Now that I have aired my personal foible… off for my bike ride.

    I don’t have an answer but it makes perfect sense to include this capability. Actually the default should be to forget login and remove cookie when the browser is closed. I agree “nstead”. I was running MT since inception and this is the way it worked. Here’s another user waiting for an answer.
    By the way, why do we all have to hack WP to death to make it do what we want? I’ve already removed dozens of lines of code to get the admin interface to look and behave the way I want. I think it should be understood that the admin interface should be as flexible as the blog interface. The moment you have open authoring capabilities you must have the ability to tailor the author’s experience. – just my 2 cents.

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