• Tom Auger


    When I press the Automatic Update button to update to WP 3.0.3 I receive the following messages:
    Downloading update from https://www.ads-software.com/wordpress-3.0.3.zip…
    Download failed.: Couldn’t resolve host ‘www.ads-software.com’
    Installation Failed

    I have taken the following troubleshooting steps already:
    SSH to server and ping www.ads-software.com: OK

    ping downloads.www.ads-software.com: OK

    wget www.ads-software.com/wordpress-3.0.3.zip: FAIL – unable to resolve host address awww.ads-software.coma (what are those a??? )

    wget myotherdomain.com/downloads/somefile.zip: OK – wget works for other domains

    Installed Corecontrol and enabled HTTP Logging:
    GET https://api.www.ads-software.com/core/version-check/1.5/….etc : OK
    GET https://www.ads-software.com/wordpress-3.0.3.zip : ERROR (http_request_failed Couldn’t resolve host ‘www.ads-software.com’) timeout 300 HTTP Transports WP_Http_Curl


    I’ve seen a number of posts suggesting to change the curl timeout value. But here the request is NOT timing out – it can’t resolve www.ads-software.com host.

    And yet I can ping www.ads-software.com from the server, and I can type www.ads-software.com into my browser window (on the server). So what gives?

    Need help desperately. Can’t install plugins from the control panel either.


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  • Moderator t-p


    Thread Starter Tom Auger


    Haha. Thanks. Funny guy.

    No, I need to get the automatic update feature working as well as download/install of plugins through the admin CP.

    Anyone else with a solution or direction my troubleshooting should go?


    Moderator t-p


    -The reason I suggested manual upgrade was in case the autoupgrade had issues.

    -also I would suggest contacting your hosting provider and discussing the issue with them.

    Thread Starter Tom Auger


    Thanks for this clarification.

    If auto-upgrade in 3.0.1 has documented issues with bug tickets reported, then I would like to hear about it. But I strongly suspect the issue is on my end.

    Also, I am the hosting provider – it’s running on my server. Based on the technical details in my original post, I’m expecting the problem to be with my server configuration, and that’s the kind of advice I’m hoping someone will post in reply to my question.


    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Try restarting Apache.

    Thread Starter Tom Auger


    Appreciate the thought. $sudo service httpd restart has no substantive effect the last time I tried it. Any other ideas?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Well, looking around Google, I see that this is a problem often encountered with curl, but I can’t find any resolution for it.

    Some people stated that if they run their apache as root, it works, which indicates some form of permissions problem with regards to the user the webserver is running as and DNS capabilities.

    Thread Starter Tom Auger


    Thanks for the follow-up post Otto. I would be tempted to agree with the curl assessment except that $wget www.ads-software.com/wordpress-3.0.3.zip doesn’t work either – unable to resolve the host address. Unless wget uses curl or vice versa, I’d say the problem lies elsewhere.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Not necessarily. It’s a system level thing. Both curl and wget use the same backend libraries to do DNS resolution. Perhaps you’re just getting local cache failure or something?

    Thread Starter Tom Auger


    I”m not sure I understand what local cache failure means, but it sounds plausible. A very strange thing happened this morning: I did a wget from downloads.www.ads-software.com/… (through a telnet connection on my server) and for the first time it worked! Then I went into WP Admin and tried the auto-update. It took a long time and then failed, just like before.

    Here’s the strange part:
    I then telnetted in back to the server and did the very same wget on downloads.www.ads-software.com and it FAILED! It had just succeeded, and then after trying auto-update, the same request failed with “Temporary failure to resolve host”.

    So in fact the auto-update somehow “broke” the DNS lookup. How is this possible?


    So in fact the auto-update somehow “broke” the DNS lookup

    Autoupdate isn’t going to break DNS because it can’t change DNS. Ask your host; they have something funky with DNS or local caching as Otto pointed out or restrictions in curl.

    Thread Starter Tom Auger


    I am my host. I asked myself, but I was being truculent and wouldn’t answer. In fact I suspect I just don’t know the answer. Multiple personalities suck.

    Seriously, I need guidance because I’m on my own here. Any further help anyone can offer will be greatly appreciated.


    Time to look into server admin and DNS. Server Fault is a good place: https://serverfault.com/

    Thread Starter Tom Auger


    way ahead of ya songdogtech. Well, not way ahead of ya. Ahead by 2 hours ??

    Thanks for the thought. I’m starting to feel like these forums are not the greatest place to get technical advice.

    They are for WordPress; not necessarily for topics like server admin.

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