• Hello

    Would it be possible to automatically append some citation text to all of broadcasted articles as they’re being published? Something like “This article appeared in [Original publication + Link] and has been published here with permission.”

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  • Plugin Author edward_plainview


    It sounds like this code snippet should solve your problem. ??


    Thread Starter Studio387


    Yes, but my problem is that I need to manually add this shorcode to all of syndicated articles, is there any way to do that in some automated way?

    When I place this snippet inside all websites within network and syndicate article from one site to all other on network, I need manually insert shortcode to the bottom of every syndicated article.


    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    Hook into the the_content filter?


    In that filter
    1. decide whether the post needs the shortcode
    2. do_action the broadcast shortcode
    3. take the result of the do_action and put it in the content

    Thread Starter Studio387


    Yes, but I stuck on point ONE – decide whether the post needs the shortcode. That part shoud be defined by condition that post is syndicated from other website and that is where I’m stuck at.

    How to define that post is syndicated, thus that filter add shortcode to only that type of post?

    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    With #1 I was thinking more in terms of “is this a page, post or a menu” and similar.

    You can go ahead and skip it. If the post is not broadcasted, the do_shortcode won’t return anything.

    Thread Starter Studio387


    I am sorry but now I am totally confused ?? Could you throw me just a simple code example here, because I am lost now…

    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    First, add the shortcode code snippet from the above link.

    Second, add this code snippet. It appends the shortcode to the post content.

    add_filter( ‘the_content’, function( $content )
    // Get the broadcasted from text.
    $sc_text = do_shortcode( ‘[broadcasted_from]’ );
    // Add the text to the content.
    $content .= $sc_text;
    // Return the expanded content.
    return $content;
    } );

    Untested, but it should work.

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