• Resolved M3


    Is this code snippet still supposed to work with the plugin?

    /** Enable the plugin automatically for admin users */
    if(current_user_can('manage_options')) {
        global $english_wordpress_admin_plugin;
        add_filter('english_wordpress_admin_show_admin_bar', '__return_false');


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  • Thread Starter M3


    Is it a known limitation that you always get the local languange in dashboard when you first login and then the admin pages switch to english if you use the code snippet above?

    Plugin Author Stanislav Khromov



    In order to change the locale as early as possible we are using a cookie-based approach. Unfortunately, after a login the cookie is not set (yet), so you will have the native language for the initial pageload.

    Hope that answers your question!

    Thread Starter M3


    No problem. I thought it didn’t work first but I realized this must be the case. Keep up the good work!

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