thanks for feedback and deeply regret for delay of 9 hours in responding. We have made it automatically intentionally because most of the wordpress admin are novice and we dont want them to struggle with sign up/ api registration etc. and we felt and faced that even after listing all images in our dashboard, people were confused whether it will work or not. whether we have to pay initially . whether click or not so we decided to automatically start compression so that they can say
we give sufficient free credit also and unused credit will be carried forward to next month. so we feel it is best for all small sites as they can continue image optimization free of cost and best quality. for big sites they can always buy additional quantity at marginal cost so we think its win win for both.
We have never seen any site/any software any plugin till date which allows you to carry forward unused data so its our initiative and we are sure few copy cat who cant innovate will copy this idea. so it is best for community as a whole.
Initially 1500 free credit may not be sufficient for few sites but one time they can buy and optimize all and post that 1500 per month with carry forward feature will be more than sufficient.
We give 5000 credit for anyone who reports any bug and we would like to give you 5000 credit for reporting this. Its clearly not a bug but we can make it little more transparent, more acceptable more trustworthy so we wish to give 5000 credit to you. please tell your website name to give credit here.