Hi @alexmanase ,
Sorry to hear about the issue here. There are unfortunately a variety of things that could cause a timeout, so maybe we could check on the following:
- Does the site have a valid SSL certificate or are there any https errors? Are the URLs under Settings > General in /wp-admin/ set to use https?
- If you visit Tools > Site Health in /wp-admin/, are there any errors related to loopback requests, http errors or other cURL problems?
- Try increasing the the timeout value by adding the following to the functions.php file of your child theme:
add_filter( 'automator_api_call', function( $params ) {
$params['timeout'] = 30; // <<< Adjust the timeout to suit your needs; 30 is recommended
return $params;
} );
We had one user report the issue with Facebook because their host routed requests through IPv6, and the host trace it to that causing cURL to not reach the endpoint before a timeout, so you could potentially ask them too. As the cURL error is generic and not directly related to Automator, your host might have additional suggestions, and online articles related to a cURL error 28 might be helpful.
We see you logged a ticket on our site as well, so beyond the above, we’ll also ask to get the system report via the ticket.