• Resolved Nelson Emilio


    I’ve installed the plugin, set up a simple recipe (visiting a page and enroll a user in a course) and nothing happens.
    Tried to create others and nothing happens too. Trigger, action, and the recipe are live.

    Is there any known conflict with other plugins? What might be happening?


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  • Thread Starter Nelson Emilio


    Sure. I Will test it now.
    It’s a test environment but I need it working by Monday though ??

    Thread Starter Nelson Emilio


    I’ve tested it and found a conflict between Automator and Master Popups plugin

    Thread Starter Nelson Emilio


    Also, If I access the same page again, the action is triggered (even if I have it configured to run only once). Could this happen because I’m using an Administrator account?

    Plugin Author Uncanny Owl


    Sorry for the delayed reply.

    Unfortunately, we don’t have a copy of Master Popups to test against. Are you able to use a supported alternative, like Popup Maker?

    Administrator accounts should be limited by the “Times per user” setting, just like regular users. Is it possible that the Master Popups plugin was causing the action to be triggered again, or was that plugin disabled when you observed that behavior?

    Can you update to the latest version of the plugin and let us know if you’re still seeing issues?

    Thread Starter Nelson Emilio


    After some testing, I discovered that the situation occurs only with a user with admin privileges and if a popup is active.

    The company that created Master Popups didn’t find any issue from their side and they don’t know what might be causing the issue.

    Nevertheless, my concern was if the issue appeared when a “normal” user-triggered it. As it is only with Admin, it’s not a problem

    Plugin Author Uncanny Owl


    Thanks for keeping us updated!

    We’ll keep an eye on this out on our side for possible conflicts, but it wounds like maybe we can mark this issue as resolved?

    Have a great weekend!

    Thread Starter Nelson Emilio


    Yes, you can

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