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  • Thread Starter brantw


    I figured it out!

    Hi Brant,
    I am trying to do the same thing with the Journey theme, can you share how you did it?

    Also, I want to be able to click on a thumbnail and have the video play automatically like it does with Bugsauce.


    Thread Starter brantw


    Hi Kate,

    In the Journey’s video.mustache file, you need to change your first several lines to look like this:

    <div id="vimeography-gallery-{{gallery_id}}" class="vimeography-journey" data-version="{{version}}"{{#gallery_width}} style="max-width: {{gallery_width}};"{{/gallery_width}}>
    	<div class="vimeography-main">
    		<div class="vimeography-player">
    				<iframe id="vimeography-embed-{{gallery_id}}-{{id}}" src="{{id}}?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=1&api=1&player_id=vimeography-embed-{{gallery_id}}-{{id}}" width="820" height="461" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
    		<div class="vimeography-info">
    		<div class="clearfix"></div>

    Basically I had to insert that iFrame in place of where the other code was.

    As far as your other question… I tried for a pretty long time to figure out how to get the videos to automatically play when you click on a thumbnail, like with Bugsauce, but I was unable to figure it out. I think that Journey is different in that it doesn’t load the videos as a gallery like Bagsauce does, but it just loads thumbnails that link to the video, if that makes sense. So I concluded that you can’t get it to play automatically like in some of the other themes. If it helps to check my site out, here’s the link:

    Let me know if you have any other questions.


    Thanks Brant!

    If anyone else has figured out how to have the thumbnail video play automically when clicked, I would love to hear how you did it!


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