• Good afternoon! The standard avatars of users who were registered by phone have disappeared. That is, there is no mail in their profile. But if you specify the mail, an avatar will appear. This happened recently, on all sites. Even on the site, where there is nothing, it is completely empty. The problem is on the wordpress side


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  • Moderator James Huff


    WordPress’s only built-in avatar system is Gravatar, which serves avatars based on email address to all Gravatar-enabled sites.

    If you had users with avatars and no email address, perhaps you were using another plugin to provide them?

    If you’re going to stick with just Gravatar, you can choose which default avatar WordPress provides at Settings -> Discussion in your site’s Dashboard: https://www.ads-software.com/documentation/article/settings-discussion-screen/

    Thread Starter zauroman


    I have never used other avatar plugins. Always had a default avatar. Log in and create a new user, then delete the mail from the user via php my admin and go to the admin panel in the “users” section. There you will see that the avatar will disappear and an error will be displayed

    Thread Starter zauroman


    Woocommerce has a special plugin for registering by phone without entering email. Through this plugin, my users are registered by phone number, but recently the avatars of users who are registered through a phone number without email have disappeared avatars. I installed WooCommerce without any additional plugins and found that even on a clean empty site, the profile picture is not displayed for users who do not have mail in their account.

    Moderator James Huff


    Sounds like a problem specific to WooCommerce then.

    I get where you’d think otherwise though, but registering a user (which requires an email address) then deleting the email through phpMyAdmin is well outside of the scope of normal WordPress usage.

    Since the functionality you’re referring to was introduced by WooCommerce and is now broken, I recommend getting in touch with WooCommerce’s support via?https://woocommerce.com/my-account/create-a-ticket/?if you have any of their paid WooCommerce products or?https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/woocommerce/?if you do not.

    Thread Starter zauroman


    Why were there no problems a couple of days ago?

    Moderator James Huff


    I’m unsure, the last WordPress update was May 20th.

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