• Resolved Fleet Admin


    Hi guys from a newbie.

    I’m sure this has been done to death before but am not sure if ANY of the previous posts cover my issue. I have searched and glanced at a few.

    I am new here and am not sure of the connection between .org and .com but I see that my .org credentials mean nothing in .com so that’s a start!!!

    I have a new wordpress site with a blog. I have created an avatar for my profile (admin). I see the avatar against my profile and in the top right corner of dashboard.

    Problem: I replied to a blog post in my website blog and the avatar does not appear.

    Now, I have read that it takes a few days for the avatar to appear but i assumed that was for the support forums etc NOT on my own blog.

    Can anyone shed any light on this for me at all please?

    Thanx in advance – Ian

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  • esmi


    Is this a wordpress.com site or a self-hosted WordPress install?

    Thread Starter Fleet Admin


    Hi Esmi – errm……. Well it’s my first wordpress website so I am new to this. It’s also my first blog. Can you tell by looking at all? It lives at fleetdive.nl I think it’s a self hosted wordpress install.


    Thread Starter Fleet Admin


    Anyone out there to shed some light please?




    Well unless your theme has the programming to call for an avatar in the comments section, it just may not be possible. We would have to see the php code for the part in question (likely a file in your theme called comments.php or possibly in your theme’s functions.php). See also https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Function_Reference/get_avatar for details on WordPress’ get_avatar function

    Thread Starter Fleet Admin


    Hi Bendesign and thanx for your help. When I hit ctrl F my website seems to load a placement for an avatar and then it disappears – does that help? In fact IIRC until I put an avatar in admin’s profile the generic silhouette was there. Guess that means there may be an issue somewhere else? Does the rule that “it takes a few days to publish an avatar” apply here? Does the wordpress org control when the avatar linked to my email address works like now on this site?

    Thread Starter Fleet Admin


    I have just remembered I installed a plugin – user avatar. It installed, shows up and is active. This allowed me to import the avatar which currently shows up in dashboard but not in the blog.

    Does that help?

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    What plugin is this?



    I guess only what you are talking about !

    You see an avatar up of the right corner in the wp admin bar… i guess it is coming from your Gravatar account (do you have one ?)

    If you want to see the same Gravatar avatar of yours in the comments, you must go to your admin dashboard -> Settings -> Discussion and check what kind of default avatar you use for the comments… then tell us here !



    If you do not want to use Gravatar, neither the default avatar or the others but your custom avatar, i suggest you to look at this page : https://wphacks.com/how-to-changing-the-default-wordpress-avatar/

    Thread Starter Fleet Admin


    Hi both. The plugin is called “User Avatar”

    Allows users to associate photos with their accounts by accessing their “Your Profile” page that default as Gravatar or WordPress Default image (from Discussion Page).
    Version 1.4.11 | By Enej Bajgoric / Gagan Sandhu / CTLT DEV | Visit plugin site

    Igor – I didn’t create a gravatar from the gravatar account. I am afraid I seem to have an account with www.ads-software.com/wordpress.com/and then gravatar!!! So I gave up at the Gravatar request to setup there and instead googled avatar plugin and came up with this one. That allowed me to upload my own Jpeg image to use.

    Igor – what else have I confused you over that you need to guess please? I am new to wordpress and see the link between .org and.com very unclear to me and I now have an issue where my avatar is in the profile of dashboard but not in my blog on my website https://www.fleetdive.nl

    Igor settings>discussion>avatar> show avatar ticked – Mystery man & gravatar don’t do what I want. blank either.

    Thread Starter Fleet Admin


    Ok I see now that Mystery Man/Blank/Gravatar all relate to other posters not me as admin……. (on the discussion page)

    Igor – the link you sent me through to makes reference to wordpress blogs. Sorry to be thick but is that what mine is? I assumed a wordpress blog is a blog only hosted by wordpress. Mine is embedded in my wordpress website of course. I suppose there IS a difference is there? This whole confusion stems from my lack of understanding between the actual correlation between wp.org and .com


    Why is there two????



    I say often “i guess” because English is not my mother language, also i picked it up by myself, not in a school, so i must be careful if i understand everything well… ??

    If you use an external plugin which manages the avatars, i can not help you, i do not know “User Avatar” at all…

    If in the discussion page, it does not want to do what you want or it does not show what it should be there, it is probably that your plugin commands…

    I think the difference between wp.com and .org :
    wordpress.com hosts wordpress hosted wp blogs and cares about those blogs, and www.ads-software.com helps for those blogs which are self-hosted. Here for example, in this forum which is wp.org, we talk about self-hosted wp blog problems.

    However you are right, there is a confusion because i have also an account on wp.com too and its link structure is completely confused, so i can get into my self-hosted blog via wp-admin bar (as far as i remember, however, i do not go to wp.com to avoir confusions).
    I am asking myself now that we talk about this issue if it is obligatory to have a wp.com account or not, i started long time ago… ??

    Thread Starter Fleet Admin


    Thanx Igor -that makes it clearer at least ??

    Now – the only reason I have that plugin was to enable uploading my own avatar. Like this it seems to have limited benefit.

    Sooooo – I can easily disable that plugin (I guess) and then follow any further advice anyone can give. SHOULD I bite the bullet and get a Gravatar account OR is there a better route. The link you suggested – does that relate to my self hosted blog?

    Thanx again – Ian



    Your website is nice, i like that it is clear, understandable, simple but nice ! ??
    And you made a nice job, how did you “embed” the blog ?

    So, your blog is self-hosted because the address is not https://your-website.wordpress.com, forget all about wordpress.com !

    Yes, i think the better way to have your avatar is to open an account in Gravatar’s website, use the same email address what you use to your website and wp admin. Then go back to the Discussion page and choose Gravatar… In this case you will have your own gravatar image and everybody will have their own image identified by their email addresses if they have gravatar account. If not, they will get the default gravatar icon.

    If you customize the default avatar of your wp blog and you choose it, it means everybody will have the same image, it is not so fun in my opinion…



    I commented your website in the blog and i can see my gravatar image…

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