• Resolved Robin Labadie



    Just noticed that some content was loaded without HTTPS on my website which triggers some security warnings. I didn’t recall seing this last time I checked. Also, avatars of newest users won’t show up, both when they don’t have an avatar and when they come from Steam (using WordPress Social Login). I got many plugins so isolating the cause of the issue is quite hard, but I can of course provide any information that would help diagnosing and solving this issue.

    Affected pages are any page with comments with newest users, and any page where new user’s avatars show up within the theme, but not on a user’s profile, for example, this one has an issue:

    And these ones are OK:

    When the issue occurs, we find this kind of entries into the dev console:

    <div class="tab-item-avatar"><a href="https://www.terageek.org/tuto/tuto-serveur-gmod-dedie-sous-linux/#comment-3240"><img src="https://img%20src=%20width=150%20height=150%20alt=%20class=avatar%20avatar-150%20wp-user-avatar%20wp-user-avatar-150%20photo%20avatar-default%20/" width="96" height="96" alt="" class="avatar avatar-96 wp-user-avatar wp-user-avatar-96 photo avatar-default"></a></div>

    First thing I tried was disabling Gravatar, but it didn’t help.
    What helped for the home page was removing avatars from “Hueman dynamic tabs” widget, since the issues is also seen in this widget.

    So, what do you think about this issue?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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