• I spent a day looking for a promising plugin for writing simple MC quizzes. You wouldn’t think it would be that hard to find one.

    Well, I’m sorry, but you’re wrong; it was very difficult.

    Until I found Quiz Master Next.

    I’ve spend the last 3 hours putting this through its paces, and although I had a bit of trouble figuring out a few things, I was able to get everything that I wanted done. Now that I understand the logic, it’s, well, logical.

    All things considered, this is one of the best plugins of any sort I have used. It has lots of options, but it doesn’t force them on you. Also, because the code is visible, it’s easy for an almost total newbie like me to make some custom changes. The developer has worked to add new features regularly, which is great. The improvement I was going to suggest, importing questions, is already (according to the info on the plugin dashboard) in the works. (It’s at the top of the list, so I hope it’s first!)

    Fantastic plugin. Couldn’t be happier.

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  • Thank you for choosing to use this plugin and thank you for your kind review!

    You mentioned that you had a bit of trouble figuring out a few things. Can you elaborate on what things were giving you trouble? Would redesigning that part help new users or would better help documentation of that capability work?

    Importing questions is a feature that is coming soon. It will not be in this week’s update but I hope to have it ready by the following update!

    Thanks again for your review!


    Thread Starter inmom


    Hi Frank,

    Boy, people were right; you do get back to posters right away!

    There were three issues that had me scratching my head. The first two are suggestions for changes in terminology, and the third is a problem I haven’t yet solved.

    1. I was looking for options for a “Results Page” (so students could see how they did on the quiz) for quite a while, until I realized that what I wanted was on the “Quiz Landing Page” tab. I took that to mean that that was the page where the quiz started. Perhaps this could be called the “Results Landing Page”, seeing as you have already used the name “Quiz Results” elsewhere?

    2. As a teacher, the terminology I use for ways of presenting grades are a)Percentage, and b)Raw Score. Your use of the terms “Correct/Incorrect” and “Points” confused me. Until I worked it out. If this were my plugin, I’d consider changing those terms.

    3. I’m still looking for a way to change the automated message for Tweeting results after the quiz. (Great idea, by the way!) I’ll be putting my quizzes behind a paywall, so the exact URL that the quiz is on will not be accessible to people who are clicking on the link in a Tweet. I would like to change that URL to my site’s main page, rather than the exact page where the quiz was taken.

    Other than that, things went pretty smoothly, I’d say.

    What I really appreciate about QMN is the ability to develop a question bank, and then have the computer generate quizzes with different selections of questions each time. When you’re promoting this plugin, I’d suggest featuring that functionality prominently. Not very many plugins can do that — at least not the ones I found.

    Thanks again for a great plugin!

    Thank you for taking the time to make these suggestions. I’ll definitely try to work something out in this next update.

    As for the twitter URL, I never anticipated someone needing to change the URL so that capability is not in the current version. I’ll get to working on this right away for you!

    I’m glad that you like the question bank system. I actually didn’t include it in earlier versions; however, it was requested by a few users and I added the feature in recently.


    Thread Starter inmom


    Hi Frank,

    I think I just found a new bug. After a MC quiz is submitted, I have it set to provide the student’s answer and the correct answer. When I wrote a quiz today, it gave me the correct answers for ALL the questions – including the questions that were not on that particular version of the quiz. I don’t remember that happening a few days ago; I’m pretty sure I would have noticed it.

    I see you’ve already changed the name to “Quiz Results Page”. Thanks. It’s nice to know your ideas are considered!

    Sounds like my timing was perfect with regards to the question bank feature.

    Again, thanks!


    Thread Starter inmom


    Hi Frank,

    I just noticed something else on the newly-renamed Quiz Result Page. The answers to the questions do not appear in the same order that they appeared on the quiz. They seem to appear in the order that they were originally entered as questions into the question bank. This is maybe a minor issue, but if it can be corrected easily…


    Uh-oh, that would not be a good bug to have. Since I did change a lot of code for the update today, I may have accidentally taken out the check in place to prevent that. Let me take a look real quick and if so get a fix in right away.


    Thread Starter inmom


    Hi Frank,

    I see that you’re still busy working on this plug-in. I tend to go in fits and starts, so it’s great to see that you have greater stick-to-it-ivness than I do!

    After your latest update, I ran into a bit of a serious problem that I thought you should know about. When I loaded the quiz, the time showed as 0:00, and I was unable to enter any answers. (i.e. it timed out as soon as the page loaded.) When I clicked on Submit, I was given my score: zero. When I clicked on my browser’s back arrow, I went back to the quiz, and everything was as it should have been the first time. That is to say, the timer was counting down, and I was able to enter my answers.

    In case it matters, I made this quiz 2-3 weeks ago, so it was made quite a few updates ago.

    If I may, I also have a suggestion and a question:

    First, I’d like to suggest that the timer becomes part of the results page. If a test is being timed, then it is obviously a factor in the test, and so it seems to me a good idea that it should be reported with the results.

    Also, you wrote a while ago that you’re working on a way to import question from an Excel spreadsheet. I’d like to get going in the project I’m working on, but of course I don’t want to waste time or effort if it can be avoided. Do you have a target date you’re looking at for adding that functionality, or, failing that, do you have a format you’re looking at? If I knew how you were going to design the spreadsheet, that would be enough for me to start getting myself ready.

    BTW, I don’t mean at all to impose myself on you, but if you’d like, I’d be more than willing to be a sounding board for designing this functionality. I’m useless to you as a programmer – it was all I could do to change the colour of the text on my post-test messages, but I do have a bit more of a background with Excel.

    Thanks again for all your hard work!

    Greetings Again Jeff:

    When you have a moment, please update to 2.7.2 which I uploaded earlier today. Let me know if you are still experiencing the timer issue.

    As for showing the time in the results, there is actually already a way to do this in the current version. If you add %TIMER% into your results page, it will be replaced with the seconds it took the user to complete the quiz. Let me know if you I misunderstood what you were asking for.

    I have started developing the importing system; however, I do not have a target date at the moment. I am hoping to have it ready in the next few weeks.

    Once I have a tentative format, I’ll give show it to you to see what your thoughts are on it and so you can begin preparing for it.


    Thread Starter inmom


    Hi Frank,

    I’m just on my way out the door. It’s a long weekend here in Canada; one of the last vestiges of British rule, Victoria Day, is tomorrow, so I’m off to the lake for a day.

    I’ll update and test as soon as I can, probably tomorrow.

    Thanks for the tip about the timer. Yeah, that makes sense.

    Thanks again for all your work, and for getting back so quickly.


    Thread Starter inmom


    Hi Frank,

    Weather was bad, so I’m back early!

    The quiz loads “properly” now; the questions can be answered the first time the quiz loads, and the timer works. Thanks.

    I used your suggestion to have the amount of time the quiz took appear on the results page. It works, but as you said, it displays as seconds. i.e. One minute and four seconds displays as 64 seconds, instead of 1:04. Would it be possible to change this?

    Also, is it possible to add the “hint” to the quiz results, so the user can see where to look up the information on the question he got wrong? (e.g. “Chapter 5, page 22”)?

    As always, thanks,

    Thread Starter inmom


    Hi again, Frank,

    Listen, I REALLY hope this doesn’t come across as being too forward, but I was doing some thinking today about the fact that you’re still in the conceptual design phase of the importing system, and there’s something I’d like to share with you. The reason I’d like to share this with you now is because I know from my (very limited!) experience with Excel at work that if you are designing with the end-product in mind from the beginning, it can make things a lot easier.

    In a classic example of the one-eyed man being king in the land of the blind, I’ve been asked to do a few things with Excel at work, and just when I get them done, I am asked if I can make this change or that change. I try smile so that they can not hear me grinding my teeth in frustration as I think, “If I had known that that was what you wanted, then that’s what I would have done, but since you didn’t tell me …” My mind usually clouds over at that point, and I have to leave the office for a few minutes. Anyway, enough about me.

    Please take this for what it is: a suggestion. If is isn’t possible, it isn’t possible. But if it is, I thought it best to mention it to you before you get too far along.

    In a (rather large) nutshell:

    I’m planning on building a site centred around a) teaching a certain body of material, and then b) building a set of quizzes around the material I have just taught.

    These numbers and descriptions are somewhat simplified for the sake of this explanation, but basically:

    There are 10 chapters in the book I want to teach. Each chapter will have a bank of 20 Multiple Choice questions (which I will write). When a user requests a quiz for one of the chapters, 10 questions will be chosen at random from that chapter’s question bank. QMN is already set up for this. I can already set up 10 distinct sets of question banks for 10 distinct chapters. So far, so good.

    Here is where it gets a bit complicated.

    When the user is finished all ten chapters, they will want to have a “final quiz” which includes questions from all ten chapters. (I want to re-use the same questions I used for the chapter quizzes to make the final quiz.) For the sake of balance, an equal number of questions should be taken from each chapter.

    For example, of the final quiz has 20 questions, there should be two questions from each of the ten chapters. If the final quiz has 40 questions, there should be four questions from each chapter, etc.

    Thinking about the situation, but not knowing the actual nuts and bolts of how it works, two possible solutions to this problem seem to present themselves.

    First, I would have to build a new set of questions, which basically means re-entering the previous questions into a new quiz. If all of the questions are re-entered into a single, separate bank of questions, there needs to be a way to ensure that the number of questions from each chapter is equal (or adjustable, depending on the test maker’s wishes). This would mean adding an extra field (perhaps called “category”) which would allow the test maker (me) to assign a value to each question. According to my earlier example, I would assign a value based on which chapter that question came from. (All questions from Chaper 1 would be “category 1”, all questions from chapter 2 would be “category 2”, etc.) The ability for the test maker to weight the number of questions that appear in the final quiz, based on their category, would be necessary for this approach to work.

    The second approach, which would potentially be easier for the test maker (me), but perhaps a while new level of hurt for you, would be to make a meta-quiz generator. Obviously, the same requirements still exist, but ideally, the test maker would simply(!) be able to make a test based on existing question banks, and then weight the number of questions (based on which question bank the questions came from) according to his wishes. For example, I could tell the meta-generator to make a quiz with 40 questions, and to use question banks 1 – 10 to do this. Further, by way of percentages or absolute numbers, I could tell the meta-generator where to pull the questions from. (e.g. 10% of the questions in the final quiz come from chapter 1, 10% from chapter 2, etc.)

    Does that make sense? I hope so. If not, let me know where I lost you, and I’ll try to explain more clearly.

    Again, I’m writing this in hopes that you’ll be able to decide if this level of customizability is something you want to pursue, and, if it is, that you’ll be able to design the program with these capabilities in mind from the beginning, rather than trying to jerry-rig retro-fit them later.

    All the best,

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