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  • Plugin Contributor DNutbourne



    Are any scheduled tasks running on the site?
    You can check this by installing the free WP Crontrol plugin, and checking the scheduled events list under WP Admin->Tools->Scheduled Events.

    Do manual backups run correctly?

    Thread Starter Aidan Hakimian


    Manual backups do run correctly.

    After installing WP Crontrol, I can see that none of the scheduled events are running as they should.

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    Can you try adding the following to your wp-config.php

    define(‘ALTERNATE_WP_CRON’, true);

    Thread Starter Aidan Hakimian


    Still no luck! I even restarted my Lightsail instance where the site is hosted.

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    Apologies for the delay, in your wp-config do you see;

    define(‘DISABLE_WP_CRON’, true);

    Thread Starter Aidan Hakimian


    There is no such line in the wp-config.

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    I believe your issue is related to low visitor numbers.  UpdraftPlus can only make a backup when WordPress is loaded into Memory.  This normally happens when someone visits the site. 

    I would recommend setting up a number of dummy visits to the site via an external cronjob.

    These are automated tasks performed by the server.

    You will need to set up an automated task to visit your site (please set the cron job to visit: )every 5 – 10 minutes (This will also keep the rest of your WordPress scheduler running):

    Your hosts may have a tool to set up a cronjob, or you can use an online  tool such as EasyCron

    Thread Starter Aidan Hakimian


    Is one visit every 5-10 minutes enough to keep the site in memory long enough for cron jobs to run?

    Plugin Support vupdraft



    Apologies for the delay, yes this should be sufficient.

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