• Hi, this is a really great plugin, very necessary for ease of use and eye appeal! (And yes, it works with 2.9.2)

    Small bug found, user’s description and workaround below:

    curtis klope said:

    FYI, I ran into an issue with the plugin, just wanted to let you know…

    When making a grouped index, the Heading of each group was being displayed in-line with the first Subheading in the list… and not only inline, but AFTER the Subheading… like this:

    – (SubHeading #1) (Heading)
    (Subheading #2)

    Once I changed the following in the custom style sheet for Gruoped items:

    .azindex .head {font-weight:bold}
    .azindex .head {float:left; font-weight:bold}

    it was fixed, and properly showing as:

    – (Heading)
    (SubHeading #1)
    (Subheading #2)

    just wanted to let you know in case it’s a bug. GREAT plugin, thanks!!!

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