Backend blank / doesn't load anymore
Today I was searching for a Newsletter PlugIn, my brother already had installed ALO EasyMail Newsletter some time ago. But we never really used it.
I was searching for an easier one (change the layout / design from the newsletter), and found yours… *which btw. I really liked*
I deactivated (ALO EasyMail Newsletter)
installation (Sendpress) was without problem, but after I activated it I got a blank backend page…
reentering the Dashboard was back to normal…
but after checking, I couldn’t get anymore into the subscribers / Users profils (to edit my own or anybody elses) – just got a blank backend page.
I deactivated it (Sendpress), and it worked normal again.
Reactivating it (Sendpress) got me the same “error”
So I deactivated it again and I activated the old one (ALO EasyMail Newsletter) …
Now I have a blank backend ??
the only thing I can see backend related is the AdminBar on the frontend.Do you have any ideas how I could fix it?
like this maybe? or do you have any other suggestion for me??
#How_to_deactivate_all_plugins_when_not_able_to_access_the_administrative_menus.3Fbtw. our Page is
Thank you!
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