Hi @lausianne,
I was able to repeat the issue. I am not entirely sure of how this is occurring, but what I would say is, this is more an issue of Divi than it is our plugin. What is likely happening is Divi is loading scripts on our settings page (this is happening) and these scripts, whilst not producing an error might be running some kind of infinite loop when in conflict with our scripts. So the real solution is Divi needs to follow best practice and only load scripts where needed on the backend of WordPress, the same way our plugin only runs scripts where needed on the backend and frontend of WordPress.
Realistically the chance of the Divi theme changing things to accomplish this for the benefit of my small plugin is slim. So really your better off just changing themes temporarily, adjusting the settings in our plugin and then switching the theme back. Because with our plugin, for most people anyway, it is set and forget. Once you have set things up for a site, you generally don’t need to muck around with things too much after that.
Sorry I can’t be more constructive in this circumstance. Thanks,