Hrrrm, sounds like an issue with the theme, unless you’ve done any custom modification yourself? If this is something to do with the theme, I see two immediate options in front of you:
1. Does the theme you’re using declare that its compatible with your current version of wordpress? If so, contact the author of the theme. If not, see #2 (or pick a different theme that _is_ compatible)
2. Try updating your CSS. This is HACKY – just a band-aid to help you so you can move forward, but I don’t generally recommend you do something like this unless you’re already familiar with CSS. That said…
1. Get the color code for your desired color. Go to and use the colorpicker to select your desired background color. Copy the HEX value for the color from the box on the bottom right of the selection tool (should look something like #FFFFFF or something along those lines).
2. Find the style.css file in your theme directory ( [siteroot]/wp-content/themes/[your-theme-name]/style.css ). Most themes _should_ have that file in place, though not every one. You might have to fish if that file doesn’t live right there.
If there is a rule along the lines of…
body {
background-color: #eeeeee;
body {
background-color: rgb( 240, 240, 240 );
You’re going to want to change that value so that your color from step one is the value. So if you update this, it will look something like
body {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
If you can’t find anything like that, try just copy-pasting the same structure into the top of your stylesheet.
However! CSS works based on the principle of specificity, and my guess is there’s a rule more specific than the above governing your background color. You’re likely going to need to get more specific. Try these in order, until you get what you need…
body {
background-color: #FFFFFF; (or whichever color you want in there)
html body{
background-color: #FFFFFF;
html {
background-color: #FFFFFFF;
If this still isn’t working, open up your inspector in chrome and search for “body”. Try applying classes or IDs as appropriate. You’re getting to need to know a bit more about CSS than what I’m covering here at this point, but you’ll find some great guides here:
Let me know if you have any luck – or find a simpler solution ??