• Hey guys!

    I’m using your plugin with the Multifeed extension.
    Currently I’m testing with 10 different Facebook pages, in the end i want to use about 50.

    Due to the long amount of time to crawl all these pages I want to put this process in the background.

    I disabled the WP-Cron in the wp-config.php via
    define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);

    The Cron Event “cff_cron_job” generated by the plugin should now be triggered via cronjob every 15 minutes.
    */15 * * * * php /var/www/wp-cron.php

    But every hour i have the problem that pages of my site, where the plugin is included via shortcode, need about 30-40 Seconds to load.
    After the next reload everything is fine and works as expected.

    Do you have an idea what am I doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance


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  • Plugin Author smashballoon


    Hi David,

    We’re actually close to releasing a major update to the plugin which includes an option to check for posts in the background on a schedule as you described. There are also some other performance enhancements which will speed up the load time with multifeeds. If you contact us via our website and reference this thread then we can send you the beta version to try out.

    Also, as your question relates to the Pro version, then if you have any questions in future then it’s best to go through the support channel on our website as the moderators of this forum only allow us to support the free version on here.

    Many thanks!


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