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  • in style.css:

    remove this line:

    #header h1, #header h2 {display: none;}

    add these lines:

    #header h1, #header h2 {text-indent: -9999px; margin-left: 0; }
    #header h1 a { display:block; width: 300px; height: 60px; }

    after this line:

    #header h1{ position:relative; float:left; margin:0px 0px 0px 250px; width: 650px; padding:0px; font-family:arial; font-weight:bold; font-size:20px; text-transform:uppercase;}

    Thread Starter pipevel



    Thanks for your collaboration!

    It didnt worked, i need to convert the image into a link to the home of my website,,,


    You can’t add hyperlinks with CSS. Your either going to have to add a mask over the #header div using z-index and link that or your going to have to use jQuery / JavaScript to add a click action to the #header div.

    alternatively, you could edit header.php and re-code the section to add a normal image with the link, and remove the background image from the styles.

    Please i also have a background problem, i dont know how to put a customized background on my blog…

    I dont know what to put or change in my codes, i have opened topics on this forum, but noone has replied…HELP!!

    /* The Outer cover */

    #wrapper {

    margin:0px auto;

    background:url(images/topribon.jpg) top center no-repeat;


    #casing {
    padding:0px 0px 10px 0px;
    margin:0px auto;


    @ifeanyig tried to visit your site. It set off McAffee warning.

    @potentweb…whats the warning message….Your the first person that has ever experience that..i run Karpesky antivirus and also have plugins installed on my blog, no other person has had this problem…Ijust opened it now, no problem

    The site advisor went off saying it could be potentially unsafe.

    @potentweb…Thanks for noticing, i just registed with the site advisor to know why it had a warning yellowsign for my website, because i am registered with some other site health websites that havent flagged my website…Please can you help with my problem?

    Your background image for the site is on the body in your CSS. If you want the main site’s background image changed, change the image url on the body. FYI, you have alot of things that don’t belong inside the body tag in between the body tag. Your title and meta info should be in between the head tag.

    Please i dont really understand most of the techie things..What are the things that dont belong??, are they harmful??…so i should simply upload and image and change the url right?

    Yes change the image url for the body in your CSS.

    I just did this, and it didnt work,it even affected my main blog look, took away the white colour

    /* The Outer cover */

    #wrapper {

    margin:0px auto;

    The body element on your CSS NOT the #wrapper.

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