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  • WordPress is so confusing.
    No, it’s not. But the Default theme… is a nightmare ??

    Thread Starter jordhie


    I’m not going to even try fiddling with negative margins, I’m just going to edit the image and see how that works. Heh. Thanks for all your help guys. I know you must get sick of me posting here so often.

    Thread Starter jordhie


    OK, how’s that look for everyone? It should get rid of the scrollbar problem since the outstanding swirl is now on the left, and the outstanding swirl isn’t cut off this time.

    OK, just got back to the office.
    @jordie: your problem isn’t solved and still remains in higher screen-resolutions. But I don’t have an answer handy at the moment…

    It is still split up. An inch of white space.

    I went into KUBRICK, OMG… thats a tough CSS to be messing around with.

    First off I deleted the internal CSS in the header.php
    I went back into the stylesheet, and with no luck with the Structure CSS of Header and so forth, I manipulated the Typography part. WHY oh WHY is this CSS split so heavily.


    I changed this

    #header {
    background-image: url(images/global2.gif);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center center;
    background-color: #CCCCCC;

    and this

    body {
    font-size: 62.5%;
    font-family: ‘Lucida Grande’, Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;
    background-color: #d5d6d7;
    color: #333;
    text-align: center;
    background-image: url(images/global.gif);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;


    I also made the two graphics Slightly Kilter of one another. Messed around with the placement in Photoshop until I liked what I came up with. Now this is a Complete overlay. Looks like I took a marker and drew off the blog. No broken images because, quite frankly I left no white space for that to happen.

    I print-screened and here is an image to show you.

    Now to you original first post. You were soooooo close!
    My idea of the overlay div did not work….
    But deleting that internal CSS in the header.php did!

    Kubrick is so tightly KNIT up (excuse the lingo) Its hard to add new features to it. But I am going to tinker some more ??

    damn – I had a “quick-n-dirty” solution for it. And now nearly 2hrs are gone and it still doesn’t work but I absolutely don’t know why… and it’s friday-night!

    HA…. Mine was dirtier….lol. and worked…

    Go enjoy Friday nite… we can figure it out in the morning. ??

    *hehe* you’re “working” on it too – so what’s the point =:^)

    Well, see and maybe YOU can tell me what I do wrong…

    My idea was to put a DIV with the “swoosh” on the left and an image of the same size to the right (OK, i combined them…), then put that stuff in the middle of the page (as there is a given value for the “swoosh” and the header-graphic itselfes) and get it to display this layer “over” the original “header-thingy”.

    If I leave out Jordhie‘s saved site (downloaded it to the server for testing) which I include via PHP both of my header-images are shown… but if I include it, just the one AFTER her content is displayed!

    @darcie: well – WHAT works? *g* There’s the same “problem” as Jordhie has – including the scrollbar-issue…

    Don’t get me wrong – I am not sitting here and smirk (is this the correct english meaning?!) but struggling for a proper solution to an idea which I think is quite good & therefore very interesting and “worth the work” (

    Yep i see that… strange outcome.

    Nah, I was trying to be fun and light…I was not poking at you really! I know how it feels when you know it can be done…. and it is not done…lol

    My graphics only slid and moved if I padded them.
    I will switch over and use her swooshes as well and see.

    I re-downed Kubrick… cause part of Jordhies CSS broke and i could not locate it.

    My files are at

    Since you’re using kubrick, I don’t know if this will help, but one of the things you need to do when you’re layering graphics is use “background: transparent url(….path etc);” because if you have a color in the wrong div, you won’t see a necessary graphic. Setting the color transparent allows you to see if you’ve got the graphics where they need to be; then you can figure out how to set the background color, and which div to set it on.

    For an object lesson in this technique, see kickass’s theme kickass-squawk, from Download it and take it apart to see how the divs and graphics layer….

    As dorky as I may be I just screwed up and copied over my default header.php… anyone got a copy I can download?

    Um. Meaning the kubrick file of the same name? It’s the default in any download of wp, don’t you still have the original compressed file?

    Thread Starter jordhie


    Wow, thought this thread would have been dead by now. You guys have no lives. ??

    I thought of overlaying a PNG-transparent swooshy thing over the existing graphic but that wouldn’t work on older versions of Windows; they don’t support PNG transparency.

    I see I am thoroughly screwed with this swooshy thing. Could I have a screen shot from you if it doesn’t work on your computer? It’d be helpful.

    I tried and failed, this is as far as I got
    When I inserted it into Kubrick I had to do too much manual changing around… was no easy fix,and still parts of the template went hey-wire.

    Can we use a different layout?

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