• I work with MainWP and I installed BackWPup to make the backups which I then transfer by ftp.
    It works very well
    However, I have a site whose .zip file is over 2 GB in size.
    In this case, I have at the same time as the complete .zip the creation of a folder name %sitename%.zip.part where I have the backup cut into 3 files named 000000 (1 GB), 000001 (1 GB) , 000002 (300 MB).
    This can be useful if it is difficult to transfer large files but I have no problem by ftp
    These additional files double the storage space used by the backup: is there a setting so that they are not created or to delete them automatically?

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  • Plugin Support happyAnt



    I think the job got aborted during the backup process, in a successful backup, those .zip.part files will be merged into a single .zip file and automatically got deleted.

    Maybe try to go BackWPUp -> Settings -> Jobs -> Set Reduce server load to medium.

    Or maybe try with Tar instead.

    I hope that it could help!

    Thread Starter spiwee


    Hi @duongcuong96

    Sorry it took so long to contact you.
    I have the same problem for all backups > 1GB. The .part files remain on the ftp. Howewer the complete zip file is on the ftp
    Do you think it could be a firewall issue?
    I have nothing in the WordPress debug
    Backup log: there is a timeout connexion

    [02-Mar-2023 02:06:21] Début du transfert par FTP…
    [02-Mar-2023 02:06:40] AVERTISSEMENT : ftp_nb_continue(): Connection timed out
    [02-Mar-2023 02:07:06] Sauvegarde transférée sur le serveur FTP : /default/Backwpup/mydomain/mydomain_2023-3-02_10-48_IUVNWQMZ01.zip
    [02-Mar-2023 02:07:09] 1. Tentative de vérification de la base de données…
    [02-Mar-2023 02:07:10] Vérification de la base de donnée réussie !

    Is it possible to have a more precise log?


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