• Resolved mrapaille



    I just installed this nice Plugin, as I want to move my website to an other hosting (currently OVH).
    I got this error, and tried some tipse given in the forum, without success .
    Any help? Many thanks !

    [WARN] [2022-06-10 11:27:31] PHP CLI est désactivé manuellement, l’extension omettra toutes les étapes PHP CLI.
    [WARN] [2022-06-10 11:27:31] Le fichier PHP CLI ne peut pas être exécuté pour une raison inconnue.
    [STEP] [2022-06-10 11:27:31] Initialisation de la sauvegarde…
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:31] Version de sauvegarde et migration?:1.2.1
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:31] Site qui sera sauvegardé?:https://lesdelicesdubeausite.be/dbs3
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:31] Version PHP?: 7.4.25
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:31] WP Version: 6.0
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:31] MySQL Version: 5.6.50
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:31] MySQL Max Length: 33554432
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:31] Serveur?: Apache
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:31] Temps d’exécution maximum (en secondes)?: 165
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:31] Max rows per query (this site): 300
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:31] Vérifier si le répertoire de sauvegarde est inscriptible…
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:31] Initialisation du gestionnaire d’erreurs personnalisé
    [SUCCESS] [2022-06-10 11:27:31] Ouais c’est inscriptible…
    [STEP] [2022-06-10 11:27:31] Analyse des fichiers…
    [STEP] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Vérification de l’espace libre, réservation…
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Nécessite au moins 1450791735 octets. [1.35 GB]
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Disk free space function is not disabled - using it...
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Vérification de chemin/partition?: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups
    [SUCCESS] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Il y a 9,581,440.38 Mo gratuit. [9.14 TB]
    [SUCCESS] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Super ! Il y a suffisamment d’espace.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Confirmé, il y a suffisamment d’espace, vérifié?:1450791735 octets
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Analyse terminée - Trouvé38546 fichiers…
    [SUCCESS] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Sauvegarde initialisée…
    [STEP] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Initialisation du système d’archivage…
    [SUCCESS] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Système d’archivage initialisé…
    [STEP] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Préparation de la carte des fichiers…
    [SUCCESS] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Fichiers préparés.
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Démarrage da la procédure de compression…
    [STEP] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Calcul de la mémoire intelligente…
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Il y a 512 Mo de mémoire utile
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Limite de mémoire WordPress?: 512 Mo
    [SUCCESS] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Définir la limite de sécurité à?115 Mo
    [STEP] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Faire une sauvegarde de la base de données (à l’aide du moteur V2, nécessite au moins v1.1.0 pour restaurer)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Itération de la base de données…
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Memory usage after initialization: 167.21 MB
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Scan found 139 tables (307533 rows), estimated total size: 79.24 MB.
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Memory usage after getting table names: 167.28 MB
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting table recipes...
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table recipes have been exported.
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Memory usage after loading recipes: 167.40 MB
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Saving recipes...
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Recipes saved.
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Memory usage after recipe off-load: 167.32 MB
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Exporting table data...
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wor6120_commentmeta (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wor6120_commentmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00110 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wor6120_comments (0.01 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wor6120_comments cloned, operation took: 0.00215 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wor6120_links (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wor6120_links cloned, operation took: 0.00127 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wor6120_options (0.12 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wor6120_options cloned, operation took: 0.01070 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wor6120_postmeta (0.01 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wor6120_postmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00185 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wor6120_posts (0.01 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wor6120_posts cloned, operation took: 0.00222 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wor6120_term_relationships (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wor6120_term_relationships cloned, operation took: 0.00202 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wor6120_term_taxonomy (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wor6120_term_taxonomy cloned, operation took: 0.00187 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wor6120_termmeta (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wor6120_termmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00076 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wor6120_terms (0.01 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wor6120_terms cloned, operation took: 0.00164 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wor6120_usermeta (0.01 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wor6120_usermeta cloned, operation took: 0.00215 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wor6120_users (0.01 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wor6120_users cloned, operation took: 0.00187 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_actions (0.16 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wp_actionscheduler_actions cloned, operation took: 0.00897 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_claims (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wp_actionscheduler_claims cloned, operation took: 0.00093 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_groups (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wp_actionscheduler_groups cloned, operation took: 0.00223 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_logs (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wp_actionscheduler_logs cloned, operation took: 0.01516 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wp_ai1ec_facebook_users (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wp_ai1ec_facebook_users cloned, operation took: 0.00117 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wp_ai1ec_facebook_users_events (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wp_ai1ec_facebook_users_events cloned, operation took: 0.00096 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wp_ai1ec_facebook_users_events_2014_03_23_5715 (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wp_ai1ec_facebook_users_events_2014_03_23_5715 cloned, operation took: 0.00215 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wp_bwg_album (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wp_bwg_album cloned, operation took: 0.00201 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wp_bwg_album_gallery (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wp_bwg_album_gallery cloned, operation took: 0.00201 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wp_bwg_file_paths (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wp_bwg_file_paths cloned, operation took: 0.00105 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wp_bwg_gallery (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wp_bwg_gallery cloned, operation took: 0.00222 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wp_bwg_image (0.01 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wp_bwg_image cloned, operation took: 0.00367 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wp_bwg_image_comment (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wp_bwg_image_comment cloned, operation took: 0.00098 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wp_bwg_image_rate (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wp_bwg_image_rate cloned, operation took: 0.00086 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wp_bwg_image_tag (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wp_bwg_image_tag cloned, operation took: 0.00090 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wp_bwg_shortcode (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wp_bwg_shortcode cloned, operation took: 0.00274 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wp_bwg_theme (0.04 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wp_bwg_theme cloned, operation took: 0.00333 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wp_commentmeta (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wp_commentmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00113 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wp_comments (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Table: wp_comments cloned, operation took: 0.00090 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:51] Getting data of table: wp_gla_budget_recommendations (0.36 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Table: wp_gla_budget_recommendations cloned, operation took: 0.11110 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Getting data of table: wp_gla_merchant_issues (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Table: wp_gla_merchant_issues cloned, operation took: 0.00118 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Getting data of table: wp_gla_shipping_rates (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Table: wp_gla_shipping_rates cloned, operation took: 0.00097 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Getting data of table: wp_gla_shipping_times (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Table: wp_gla_shipping_times cloned, operation took: 0.00094 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Getting data of table: wp_iowd_images (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Table: wp_iowd_images cloned, operation took: 0.00101 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Getting data of table: wp_links (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Table: wp_links cloned, operation took: 0.00101 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_custom_fields (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Table: wp_mailpoet_custom_fields cloned, operation took: 0.00237 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_dynamic_segment_filters (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Table: wp_mailpoet_dynamic_segment_filters cloned, operation took: 0.00137 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_feature_flags (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Table: wp_mailpoet_feature_flags cloned, operation took: 0.00102 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_forms (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Table: wp_mailpoet_forms cloned, operation took: 0.00238 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_log (0.13 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Table: wp_mailpoet_log cloned, operation took: 0.00762 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_mapping_to_external_entities (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Table: wp_mailpoet_mapping_to_external_entities cloned, operation took: 0.00918 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_links (0.42 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Table: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_links cloned, operation took: 0.06732 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_option (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Table: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_option cloned, operation took: 0.00262 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_option_fields (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Table: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_option_fields cloned, operation took: 0.00316 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_posts (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Table: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_posts cloned, operation took: 0.00279 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_segment (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Table: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_segment cloned, operation took: 0.00783 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_templates (7.14 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Table: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_templates cloned, operation took: 0.11613 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_newsletters (7.50 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Table: wp_mailpoet_newsletters cloned, operation took: 0.14292 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_premium_newsletter_extra_data (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Table: wp_mailpoet_premium_newsletter_extra_data cloned, operation took: 0.00247 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:52] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_scheduled_task_subscribers (17.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:59] Table: wp_mailpoet_scheduled_task_subscribers cloned, operation took: 6.55984 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:59] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_scheduled_tasks (1.95 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:59] Table: wp_mailpoet_scheduled_tasks cloned, operation took: 0.30935 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:59] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_segments (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:59] Table: wp_mailpoet_segments cloned, operation took: 0.00268 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:59] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_sending_queues (10.55 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:59] Table: wp_mailpoet_sending_queues cloned, operation took: 0.26711 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:59] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_settings (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:59] Table: wp_mailpoet_settings cloned, operation took: 0.00481 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:59] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_bounces (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:59] Table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_bounces cloned, operation took: 0.00244 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:59] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_clicks (0.31 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:59] Table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_clicks cloned, operation took: 0.04359 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:59] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_forms (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:59] Table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_forms cloned, operation took: 0.00118 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:27:59] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_newsletters (3.53 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_newsletters cloned, operation took: 0.70866 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_opens (3.36 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_opens cloned, operation took: 0.38656 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_unsubscribes (0.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_unsubscribes cloned, operation took: 0.00451 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_woocommerce_purchases (0.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_woocommerce_purchases cloned, operation took: 0.00133 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_stats_notifications (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Table: wp_mailpoet_stats_notifications cloned, operation took: 0.00293 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_subscriber_custom_field (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Table: wp_mailpoet_subscriber_custom_field cloned, operation took: 0.02356 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_subscriber_ips (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Table: wp_mailpoet_subscriber_ips cloned, operation took: 0.00171 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_subscriber_segment (0.16 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Table: wp_mailpoet_subscriber_segment cloned, operation took: 0.05003 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_subscribers (0.30 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Table: wp_mailpoet_subscribers cloned, operation took: 0.10197 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_user_agents (0.16 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Table: wp_mailpoet_user_agents cloned, operation took: 0.02656 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_user_flags (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Table: wp_mailpoet_user_flags cloned, operation took: 0.00260 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:00] Getting data of table: wp_mollie_pending_payment (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_mollie_pending_payment cloned, operation took: 0.00116 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_options (7.41 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_options cloned, operation took: 0.34175 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_postmeta (0.70 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_postmeta cloned, operation took: 0.09598 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_posts (2.01 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_posts cloned, operation took: 0.29082 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_spidercalendar_calendar (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_spidercalendar_calendar cloned, operation took: 0.00227 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_spidercalendar_event (0.01 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_spidercalendar_event cloned, operation took: 0.00575 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_spidercalendar_event_category (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_spidercalendar_event_category cloned, operation took: 0.00231 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_spidercalendar_theme (0.01 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_spidercalendar_theme cloned, operation took: 0.00793 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_spidercalendar_widget_theme (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_spidercalendar_widget_theme cloned, operation took: 0.00375 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_term_relationships (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_term_relationships cloned, operation took: 0.00315 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_term_taxonomy (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_term_taxonomy cloned, operation took: 0.00687 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_termmeta (0.01 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_termmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00243 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_terms (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_terms cloned, operation took: 0.00916 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_usermeta (0.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_usermeta cloned, operation took: 0.00980 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_users (0.01 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_users cloned, operation took: 0.00288 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wc_admin_note_actions (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_wc_admin_note_actions cloned, operation took: 0.00820 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wc_admin_notes (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_wc_admin_notes cloned, operation took: 0.01000 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wc_category_lookup (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_wc_category_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00205 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wc_customer_lookup (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_wc_customer_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00133 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wc_download_log (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_wc_download_log cloned, operation took: 0.00125 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wc_order_coupon_lookup (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_wc_order_coupon_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00133 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wc_order_product_lookup (0.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_wc_order_product_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00127 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wc_order_stats (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_wc_order_stats cloned, operation took: 0.00121 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wc_order_tax_lookup (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_wc_order_tax_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00125 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wc_product_attributes_lookup (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_wc_product_attributes_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00113 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wc_product_download_directories (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_wc_product_download_directories cloned, operation took: 0.00235 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wc_product_meta_lookup (0.11 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_wc_product_meta_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00208 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wc_rate_limits (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_wc_rate_limits cloned, operation took: 0.00086 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wc_reserved_stock (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_wc_reserved_stock cloned, operation took: 0.00101 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wc_tax_rate_classes (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_wc_tax_rate_classes cloned, operation took: 0.04514 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wc_webhooks (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_wc_webhooks cloned, operation took: 0.00274 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wf_sn_tests (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_wf_sn_tests cloned, operation took: 0.00577 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_api_keys (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_woocommerce_api_keys cloned, operation took: 0.00234 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies cloned, operation took: 0.00117 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions (0.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions cloned, operation took: 0.00153 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_log (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_woocommerce_log cloned, operation took: 0.00127 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00140 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_order_items (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_woocommerce_order_items cloned, operation took: 0.00133 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00116 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_payment_tokens (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_woocommerce_payment_tokens cloned, operation took: 0.00108 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_sessions (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_woocommerce_sessions cloned, operation took: 0.00349 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations cloned, operation took: 0.00254 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods cloned, operation took: 0.00229 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zones (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zones cloned, operation took: 0.00260 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations cloned, operation took: 0.00140 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_tax_rates (0.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_woocommerce_tax_rates cloned, operation took: 0.00285 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wysija_campaign (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_wysija_campaign cloned, operation took: 0.01470 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wysija_campaign_list (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_wysija_campaign_list cloned, operation took: 0.01586 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wysija_custom_field (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Table: wp_wysija_custom_field cloned, operation took: 0.00220 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:01] Getting data of table: wp_wysija_email (11.51 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Table: wp_wysija_email cloned, operation took: 0.43601 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Getting data of table: wp_wysija_email_user_stat (1.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Table: wp_wysija_email_user_stat cloned, operation took: 0.44742 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Getting data of table: wp_wysija_email_user_url (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Table: wp_wysija_email_user_url cloned, operation took: 0.00820 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Getting data of table: wp_wysija_form (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Table: wp_wysija_form cloned, operation took: 0.00180 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Getting data of table: wp_wysija_list (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Table: wp_wysija_list cloned, operation took: 0.00251 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Getting data of table: wp_wysija_queue (0.01 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Table: wp_wysija_queue cloned, operation took: 0.00097 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Getting data of table: wp_wysija_subscriber_ips (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Table: wp_wysija_subscriber_ips cloned, operation took: 0.00088 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Getting data of table: wp_wysija_url (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Table: wp_wysija_url cloned, operation took: 0.00289 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Getting data of table: wp_wysija_url_mail (0.01 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Table: wp_wysija_url_mail cloned, operation took: 0.00345 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Getting data of table: wp_wysija_user (0.07 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Table: wp_wysija_user cloned, operation took: 0.02606 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Getting data of table: wp_wysija_user_field (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Table: wp_wysija_user_field cloned, operation took: 0.00213 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Getting data of table: wp_wysija_user_history (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Table: wp_wysija_user_history cloned, operation took: 0.00108 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Getting data of table: wp_wysija_user_list (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Table: wp_wysija_user_list cloned, operation took: 0.00785 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_indexable (0.23 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Table: wp_yoast_indexable cloned, operation took: 0.06450 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Table: wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy cloned, operation took: 0.00275 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_migrations (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Table: wp_yoast_migrations cloned, operation took: 0.00226 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_primary_term (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Table: wp_yoast_primary_term cloned, operation took: 0.00116 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_prominent_words (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Table: wp_yoast_prominent_words cloned, operation took: 0.00303 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:02] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_seo_links (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:03] Table: wp_yoast_seo_links cloned, operation took: 0.02908 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:03] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_seo_meta (0.04 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:03] Table: wp_yoast_seo_meta cloned, operation took: 0.01249 ms
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:03] Table data exported.
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:03] Memory usage after data export: 167.30 MB
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:03] Entire process took: 11.5041 s
    [SUCCESS] [2022-06-10 11:28:03] Sauvegarde de base de données terminée
    [STEP] [2022-06-10 11:28:03] Faire une archive
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:03] Compression…
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:03] Utilisation du module PclZip pour créer la sauvegarde
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:03] Réglage hérité?: utilisation de modules par défaut en fonction du serveur utilisateur/utilisatrice
    [WARN] [2022-06-10 11:28:03] La sauvegarde s’exécutera en tant que demande unique, peut être instable...
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:03] Les portions contiennent 10000 fichiers.
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:16] étape?:10000/38546
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:28:28] étape?:20000/38546
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:29:02] étape?:30000/38546
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:30:01] étape?:38546/38546
    [SUCCESS] [2022-06-10 11:30:01] Compressé 38546 fichiers
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:30:01] Archivage de38546fichiers ont pris?:129.57s
    [STEP] [2022-06-10 11:30:01] Finalisation de la sauvegarde
    [INFO] [2022-06-10 11:30:01] Ajout du manifeste…
    [STEP] [2022-06-10 11:30:01] Fermeture des fichiers et des archives
    [TéLéCHARGEMENT GéNéRé] Fichier téléchargé à (heure du serveur)?:2022-06-10 11:30:23
    [TéLéCHARGEMENT GéNéRé] Dernière mise à jour (secondes)?:5 il y a quelques secondes
    [TéLéCHARGEMENT GéNéRé] Dernière mise à jour (date)?:2022-06-10 11:30:18
Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • Plugin Author iClyde


    Hi @mrapaille

    I think the process failed due to timeout. In any case we have alternate backup method that can bypass such limitation. I see your database is also quite large.
    It would be good to make full clean-up of your database and optimize all tables before backup. It will make your database smaller and make it much easier to restore later (see 7th step).

    Please open first section of the plugin named: “What will be backed up?”
    Find subsection named: “Exclude by folder / file name (case-sensitive)”
    Here add these three rules, like on image: https://prnt.sc/9oftADPd_Z7e

    Once you do that, please follow these steps:
    1. Go to “Other options” section
    2. Change backup method: https://prnt.sc/1s1ofpa
    3. Disable PHP CLI checking: https://prnt.sc/1sljr31
    4. Modify query output: https://prnt.sc/1trxucl (set this value to 100)
    5. Save “Other options” section
    6. Force stop both processes: https://prnt.sc/1trv1tm

    Optional but recommended:
    7. Do full Cleanup and optimize all tables using Advanced DB Cleanup plugin

    When you do that, try to run your backup once again.

    Let me know if that worked for you ??
    Thank you!

    Thread Starter mrapaille


    Hi, many thanks !
    Indeed, I took too much in the backup.
    I followed your steps here, and i worked fine !
    I have now a good backup and will restore it tomorrow!
    Many thanks for this quick and efficient support !


    Plugin Author iClyde


    Wonderful, thank you for confirmation.
    Looking forward your restoration results ??

    Thank you!

Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • The topic ‘Backup failed on PHP CLI’ is closed to new replies.