Backup failed / stalling at 1%
My backup attempt with Backup Migration is stalling at 1%. This is the logfile:
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] Suche nach ausführbarer PHP-CLI-Datei.
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] PHP-CLI-Dateiname:php
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] PHP-CLI-Version:8.2.15 (cli)
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] PHP-CLI-Speicherlimit-1/512M
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] PHP-CLI-Ausführungslimit0/0
[SUCCESS] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] Wir haben die ausführbare PHP-CLI-Datei richtig erkannt.
[SUCCESS] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] Backup über PHP CLI erfolgreich initialisiert.
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] Sicherung wird gestartet…
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] Backup & Migration-Version: 1.4.2
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] Zu sichernde Website:
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] PHP-Version: 8.2.15
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] WP-Version: 6.4.3
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] MySQL-Version: 5.5.62
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] MySQL Maximale L?nge: 16777216
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] Webserver: Nicht verfügbar
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] Maximale Ausführungszeit (in Sekunden): 259200
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] Speicherlimit (Server): -1
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] Speicherlimit (wp-config): 40M
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] Speicherlimit (wp-config admin): -1
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] Maximal Zeilen pro Abfrage (diese Website): 2000
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] Prüfe, ob Backup-Verzeichnis beschreibbar ist…
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] Custom-Error-Handler wird initiiert
[SUCCESS] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] Ja, er ist beschreibbar…
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] Dateien werden gescannt…
[WARN] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] Datei wird aus der Sicherung entfernt (aufgrund von Pfadregeln): ABSPATH/wp-content/backup-migration-config.php
[WARN] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] Datei wird aus der Sicherung entfernt (aufgrund von Ausschlussregeln):ABSPATH/wp-content/backup-migration-X4M3N2PCjH/backups/
[WARN] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] Datei wird aus der Sicherung entfernt (aufgrund von Ausschlussregeln):ABSPATH/wp-content/backup-migration-X4M3N2PCjH/backups/
[WARN] [2024-02-16 15:09:08] [CLI] Datei wird aus der Sicherung entfernt (aufgrund von Ausschlussregeln):ABSPATH/wp-content/backup-migration-X4M3N2PCjH/backups/
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Gesamtgr??e der ausgeschlossenen Dateien: 90849040 Bytes
[VERBOSE] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Total size of excluded files (bytes): 90849040
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Verfügbarer Speicherplatz wird reserviert…
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Erfordert mindestens 603190561Bytes. [575.25 MB]
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] disk_free_space()-Funktion wird verwendet…
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Pfad/Partition wird überprüft:ABSPATH/wp-content/backup_path/backups
[SUCCESS] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Noch252,866.96 MB frei. [246.94 GB]
[SUCCESS] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Super! Es gibt genug Speicherplatz!
[SUCCESS] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Best?tigt, es gibt mehr als genug Platz, überprüft: 603190561 Bytes
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Scan abgeschlossen - gefunden:7891Dateien…
[SUCCESS] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Sicherung gestartet…
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Starte Archivierungssystem …
[SUCCESS] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Archivierungssystem gestartet
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] übersicht der Dateien wird vorbereitet…
[SUCCESS] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Dateien vorbereitet.
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Komprimierung wird gestartet…
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Smarte Speicherberechnung…
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] 384 MB Speicherplatz zur Verfügung
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] WordPress-Speicherlimit: 0 MBs
[SUCCESS] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Sicherheitsgrenze wird auf 86 MB festgelegt
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Verwendung des PclZip-Moduls zum Erstellen des Backups
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Legacy-Einstellung: Verwendung von Standardmodulen je nach Anwender-Server
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Erstelle ein Datenbank-Backup (verwendet v3-Motor, erfordert mindestens v1.2.2 zum Wiederherstellen)
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Datenbank wird iteriert…
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Memory usage after initialization: 14.41 MB
[VERBOSE] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Exporting database via zip.php
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Scan found 24 tables (2722 rows), estimated total size: 198.2 MB.
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Memory usage after getting table names: 14.42 MB
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Getting table recipes…
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Table recipes have been exported.
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Memory usage after loading recipes: 14.44 MB
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Saving recipes…
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Recipes saved.
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Memory usage after recipe off-load: 14.42 MB
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Exporting table data…
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Getting data of table: prefixaiowps_audit_log (1/24, 2.08 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Table export for: prefixaiowps_audit_log finished (0.04298s)
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Getting data of table: prefixaiowps_debug_log (2/24, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Table prefixaiowps_debug_log is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Getting data of table: prefixaiowps_events (3/24, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Table prefixaiowps_events is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Getting data of table: prefixaiowps_global_meta (4/24, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Table prefixaiowps_global_meta is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Getting data of table: prefixaiowps_logged_in_users (5/24, 0.09 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Table export for: prefixaiowps_logged_in_users finished (0.00145s)
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Getting data of table: prefixaiowps_login_lockdown (6/24, 0.06 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Table export for: prefixaiowps_login_lockdown finished (0.00600s)
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Getting data of table: prefixaiowps_message_store (7/24, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Table prefixaiowps_message_store is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Getting data of table: prefixaiowps_permanent_block (8/24, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Table prefixaiowps_permanent_block is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Getting data of table: prefixcommentmeta (9/24, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Table prefixcommentmeta is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Getting data of table: prefixcomments (10/24, 0.09 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Table export for: prefixcomments finished (0.00139s)
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Getting data of table: prefixfusion_form_entries (11/24, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Table prefixfusion_form_entries is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Getting data of table: prefixfusion_form_fields (12/24, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Table prefixfusion_form_fields is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Getting data of table: prefixfusion_form_submissions (13/24, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Table prefixfusion_form_submissions is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Getting data of table: prefixfusion_forms (14/24, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Table prefixfusion_forms is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Getting data of table: prefixlinks (15/24, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Table prefixlinks is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Getting data of table: prefixoptions (16/24, 5.06 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Table export for: prefixoptions finished (0.18963s)
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Getting data of table: prefixpostmeta (17/24, 0.50 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Table export for: prefixpostmeta finished (0.02135s)
[STEP] [2024-02-16 15:09:09] [CLI] Getting data of table: prefixposts (18/24, 189.70 MB) [DOWNLOAD ERSTELLT] Datei heruntergeladen am (Serverzeit): 2024-02-16 15:09:22
[DOWNLOAD ERSTELLT] Zuletzt aktualisiert (Sekunden): 14Sekunden zuvor
[DOWNLOAD ERSTELLT] Zuletzt aktualisiert (Datum): 2024-02-16 15:09:08The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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