• Resolved dorothai


    I have forms with lots of custom fields, also the stylesheet is custom.
    The tools: backup and copy do not work on these forms yet they work perfectly on the small form, CHMOD which was my first thought has nothing to do with it..
    There is no error displayed – just refreshing the page and nothing happens.
    I turned the external style sheet off – tried again -> no luck.
    I found now $max_fields_shim = 8; in the class-fscf-import.php
    Does this have something to do with it.
    Are fields limited to a certain number as I have 7 groups of radio buttons, 21 text fields, 8 textareas, 2 uploads and several checkboxes plus 1 multiple checkboxes.
    All fields are correctly added to Contact Form DB and print button works perfectly.

    The first time I copied the first form it was only partially copied.
    Now it does not copy at all.
    But worst is that I cannot backup the forms.


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  • Thread Starter dorothai


    What I forgot to mention when copying the first form to the second the message field was not copied as it was below the number of fields copied.
    Subject is disabled on all forms.

    I run WordPress 4.0 the newest version of Fast Secure Contact Form.
    Plugin have no impact on this behavior as small form copies and can be backed up.

    Hi dorothai please create a support ticket. @mike Challis will investigate further.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter dorothai


    Thank you mbrsolution,
    in the meanwhile I have searched further.
    I found the answer here https://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/settings-cannot-be-saved
    As I mentioned that the fields were truncated – this article made sense to me.
    So I created a php.ini file and added max_input_vars = 3000 to it, as this value was completely missing in the php.ini of hostgator, most likely to prevent people using it.
    Well first success I can copy now the fields!!!
    Second I can make a backup!
    So I kindly thank you for your time, it’s very much appreciated and I thank Mike for his good web site as I found a solution for my problem there, which had nothing to do with the plugin but with php.ini settings – thus is server related.

    Cheers and keep up the good work, Doris

    Thread Starter dorothai


    I mark this issue as resolved

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