• I am hugely untechnical. But I would like to improve and get better. I have a website https://www.windleinternational.org which I am in the process of making with the zerif lite theme.

    I am hosted by SiteGround. I wanted to understand about backing up. I think SiteGround automatically backs me up which is great. However, I would like to learn how to backup just so I get a better understanding of how these things work.

    Things I don’t know include FTP what it is SQL, CSS, php, a whole host of other words that might as well be Martian for my comprehension of them. I don’t know where my website is. If I was asked to find the files to back it up – I wouldn’t know where to look. It is that basic!

    I don’t know anything.

    I can follow instructions but most of the instructions on backing up websites seem to assume that you know where the files are. And I don’t. So hopefully having given a clear view of how hugely backward I am in this knowledge, can anyone help me understand how to backup my website? I would appreciate it enormously.

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  • lisa


    I think SiteGround automatically backs me up

    If you think that Siteground is doing back up….double confirm this is happening ask the support team at Siteground confirm to be sure you know where the backup is being stored and how to get it if you need it.

    (Paid solutions) I would suggest an automated backup solution. 2 that I use VaultPress + BackupBuddy.

    Thread Starter ellywin


    Hi Contentiskey — yes, I guess I should phone SiteGround and ask. Do you know where all my website files would be stored is that also with SiteGround?



    In SiteGround’s cpanel area:
    Database can be found in PHPmyAdmin
    Website Files in file manager area (better to access using separate FTP)

    Ask SiteGround support team for assistance finding those areas in your webhosting account and getting set up with FTP client)

    Yes, chat with SiteGround to ask about backup services/policies.

    Thread Starter ellywin


    Thank you so much contentiskey. It is all one great learning experience!! I will ask SiteGround for help. I will look now to see if I can find the cpanel and phpmyadmin – I guess those are on SiteGround’s website – jsut to see if I can ?? but will also definitely phone them tomorrow.

    Thanks for replying – it does make a big difference when I am so in the dark about these things!!!

    At some point I want to think about making a child theme – not that I really know what it is or why I should do it but I read about it on various webpages. That said, I suppose I at least need to be able to find the files before one can even consider anything else – so one step at a time …..

    Thread Starter ellywin


    Woah! I found it and logged in to SiteGround – there is loads of stuff there!! I don’t know why I have never looked before but anyway …. all sorts of stuff … pretty much all of which is a mystery to me but there you go.

    It does actually have something that says CREATE BACKUP and RESTORE BACKUP. So that is definitely a start. Still haven’t found the files as yet but I am just quite over-excited to have found what I have already ?? (small things please small minds I guess :-P)

    Thread Starter ellywin


    And I think I found the files but it is far too scary, it asked a question (something that always throws me) as to whether I wanted to go to home or root or blah something or other ….. I am paranoid about clicking on something and doing untold damage or irreversible damage – I feel like my mother on the Ipad! Technical expertise not necessarily a strong point of our family, it seems.

    Still thanks. All very interesting.

    Thread Starter ellywin


    ContentisKey, may I ask you one more thing – What is FTP anonymous?

    I do understand if you have had enough questions however ….



    1-setting up a child theme is a good choice in most situations.
    *2-before messing around with files or database are, get at least 1 complete backup completed*
    3-You’ll likely need to download an FTP client for your computer.
    I use FILEZILLA. https://filezilla-project.org/
    4-for help connecting FTP client to your webhosting, SiteGround support could be helpful

    It’s good to take the time to understand how things fit together for your website.
    DATABASE+Website files+WordPress application files

    WordPress.tv might be a good place to explore too
    Local WordCamp events or WordPress meetups could be a good place to ask questions in person.

    Thread Starter ellywin


    Thanks again contentiskey. Ooouuppphhh! It is interesting but it is just such a vast expanse of unchartered terrority for me, it does seem slightly overwhelming but I think the key is just to do it and to get on with trying and hopefully it will become clearer as I progress.

    I hope I get someone sympathetic at SiteGround!

    First steps first: Try to find files. Try to make a back up. Try to see if I can restore a back up. Try not to wreck the website in the process.



    Automated backup might be a investment to consider to avoid getting overwhelmed.

    Then you can take your time to learn about the files and other areas.

    Thread Starter ellywin


    I thought it might amuse you to learn how far I got … I downloaded filezilla (that took ages because I couldn’t quite get the installer thing right).

    Then I followed a video and got all of one minute into it before I was stymied! La La La it goes create folder create site and then put in host name.


    It blithely writes demo123.org

    And I just think, “Well I am quite sure my host is not demo123.org”! Really they should hire me out to let them realise just how uninformed a person can be. Host name, my foot! At least tell us where to find it.

    Ah well. We struggle on – why I am not so sure but anyway …… ??

    Thread Starter ellywin


    I have phoned siteground and they are sending me an email with all these vital details – in fifteen minutes. They are extremely efficient at answering their phone! I have to say – 100% full marks for there for customer service.

    Thread Starter ellywin


    You know what ContentisKey i guess an automated backup is the way to go. I connected to FileZilla – I don’t know quite what I was expecting …. but I connected and then thought but now what?

    Does that mean I am backed up because I connected?

    What is this? I can see a whole load of files I have no idea what they are for or doing ….. How does everyone know this stuff?

    I suppose I am just TOO old. We never went near a computer when I was at school. We had ONE – it was kept in a locked room next to the staff room and once a year, when you got to the fifth form in the summer term you went in in batches and made some sort of weird print out, it made no sense then and makes no sense now to me!

    Thread Starter ellywin


    Oh my word! I think I did it, created a folder on the left hand side under desktop … and selected all the files on the right hand side with ctrl A and then right clicked and I think it is downloading

    Goodness gracious me! I can barely thunk that i might have done it.

    Not that I know yet about the restoring of it but possibly STEP 1 AND 2 completed!

    Thread Starter ellywin


    Hey ContentisKey I have a really stupid question – probably, almost definitely. Where is my wordpress installation?

    I looked up how to make a child theme – and it said navigate to wp-content in your wordpress installation.

    And I got stuck again.

    So sorry for my lack of knowledge!

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