• Resolved jennifermnamara



    I’m following the OSTraining videos to try and back up my site. I just followed this video to do a quick database back up, but it didn’t work

    This is the error message I have on the info tab. I wonder if you can help me correct it so I can get a successful back up? Thank you

    Job “Daily Database Only” has started but has not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information.

    WordPress version: 5.7
    BackWPup version: 3.8.0
    PHP version: 7.3.12 (64bit)
    MySQL version: 5.7.26-29-log
    cURL version: 7.45.0
    cURL SSL version: OpenSSL/1.0.1e
    WP-Cron URL: https://jennymcnamara.com/wp-cron.php
    Server self connect: Not expected HTTP response:
    Status-Code: 200
    Server: openresty
    Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2021 17:03:18 GMT
    Content-length: 0
    Strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains

    Document root: /var/www
    Temp folder: /var/www/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-986c32-temp/
    Log folder: /var/www/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-093749-logs/
    Server: Apache
    Operating System: Linux
    PHP SAPI: cgi-fcgi
    Current PHP user: root
    Maximum execution time: 300 seconds
    BackWPup maximum script execution time: 30 seconds
    Alternative WP Cron: Off
    Disabled WP Cron: Off
    CHMOD Dir: 453
    Server Time: 17:3
    Blog Time: 18:03
    Blog Timezone: Europe/London
    Blog Time offset: 1 hours
    Blog language: en-GB
    MySQL Client encoding: utf8
    PHP Memory limit: 256M
    WP memory limit: 40M
    WP maximum memory limit: 256M
    Memory in use: 4.00 MB
    Loaded PHP Extensions:: Core, PDO, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, Zend OPcache, apc, apcu, bcmath, bz2, calendar, cgi-fcgi, ctype, curl, date, dba, dom, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, hash, iconv, igbinary, imagick, json, libxml, mbstring, mcrypt, memcache, mysql, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcntl, pcre, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, posix, pspell, readline, session, shmop, soap, sockets, sqlite3, standard, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, yaml, zip, zlib

Viewing 14 replies - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)
  • Plugin Support happyAnt


    you can fix this by using another Cron method since your wp-cron.php has a loopback connection issue:
    Please modify wp-config.php ( you can find this file in the site root directory ), and BEFORE the line:
    /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
    add this line:
    define(‘ALTERNATE_WP_CRON’ , true );
    Or better, please contact the hoster and ask them to fix the issue ^^
    I Hope that helps!

    Thread Starter jennifermnamara



    Thanks for your help. I added the line and now I can do the quick database back up successfully. I also contacted my hoster about the loopback connection issue and they say it is fixed and there’s no problems there.

    But now when I try to do a full website back up (I ticked all the boxes – DB Check, DB Back Up, Files, XML Export, Plugins) it is still not working. It has been running for over 20 hours and it seems stuck. But it does say – Warnings: 0, Errors: 0. This is what the log says:

    Log of running job
    [INFO] BackWPup 3.8.0; A project of Inpsyde GmbH
    [INFO] WordPress 5.7 on https://jennymcnamara.com/
    [INFO] Log Level: Normal (translated)
    [INFO] BackWPup job: Whole site back up
    [INFO] Logfile is: backwpup_log_12bd08_2021-04-05_12-01-47.html
    [INFO] Backup file is: 2021-04-05_12-01-47_YGMGYMRM02.zip
    [05-Apr-2021 12:01:47] 1. Try to backup database …
    [05-Apr-2021 12:01:47] Connected to database f20k43928469467 on f20k43928469467.db.43928469.687.hostedresource.net:3306
    [05-Apr-2021 12:01:48] Added database dump “f20k43928469467.sql” with 21.52 MB to backup file list
    [05-Apr-2021 12:01:48] Database backup done!
    [05-Apr-2021 12:01:48] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …`

    Is there anything else I can try to get a successful full back up? Or to understand why it’s stuck? Thank you again

    Plugin Support happyAnt



    please set log level to debug mode, BackWPUp -> Settings -> Logs -> Logging Level -> Debug(not translated ) -> save , run the job again then give me latest debug log file.
    You can get the latest backup log file at BackWpUp -> Logs

    Also, please give me all screenshots of your job -> Files tab: https://prnt.sc/115vm6b

    Thank you ^^

    Thread Starter jennifermnamara


    Thank you. I changed to debug(not translated)

    here is a screenshot of the files tab: https://ibb.co/C16MccR

    and here is the log:

    [INFO] BackWPup 3.8.0; A project of Inpsyde GmbH
    [INFO] WordPress 5.7 on https://jennymcnamara.com/
    [INFO] Log Level: Debug
    [INFO] BackWPup job: Whole site back up; DBCHECK+DBDUMP+FILE+WPEXP+WPPLUGIN
    [INFO] Runs with user: jennymcnamara (1)
    [INFO] BackWPup no automatic job start configured
    [INFO] BackWPup job started manually
    [INFO] PHP ver.: 7.3.12 (64bit); cgi-fcgi; Linux
    [INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is 300 seconds
    [INFO] Script restart time is configured to 30 seconds
    [INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.7.26-29-log
    [INFO] Web Server: Apache
    [INFO] curl ver.: 7.45.0; OpenSSL/1.0.1e
    [INFO] Temp folder is: /var/www/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-986c32-temp/
    [INFO] Logfile is: /var/www/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-093749-logs/backwpup_log_3eef96_2021-04-13_17-26-27.html
    [INFO] Backup file is: /var/www/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-986c32-backups/2021-04-13_17-26-27_AOMGYMTU02.zip
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] 1. Try to backup database …
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Connected to database f20k43928469467 on f20k43928469467.db.43928469.687.hostedresource.net:3306
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_commentmeta” with “0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_comments” with “0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_duplicator_packages” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_expm_hiiden_content” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_expm_maker” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_expm_maker_pages” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_fb3d_pages” with “~63” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_cdn” with “0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_folders” with “0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_galleries” with “3” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_galleries_excluded” with “0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_galleries_resources” with “15” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_image_optimize” with “0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_membership_presets” with “0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_photos” with “15” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_photos_pos” with “23” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_photos_settings” with “0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_settings_presets” with “0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_settings_sets” with “3” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_stats” with “29” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_tags” with “0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_ipages_flipbook” with “~1” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_links” with “0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_action_meta” with “~126” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_actions” with “~6” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_chunks” with “0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_field_meta” with “~385” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_fields” with “~14” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_form_meta” with “~36” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_forms” with “~2” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_object_meta” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_objects” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_relationships” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_upgrades” with “0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_ngg_album” with “0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_ngg_gallery” with “2” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_ngg_pictures” with “37” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_options” with “~499” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_postmeta” with “1905” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_posts” with “1007” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_term_relationships” with “46” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_term_taxonomy” with “20” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_termmeta” with “0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_terms” with “20” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_tm_taskmeta” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_tm_tasks” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_usermeta” with “67” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_users” with “1” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wdi_feeds” with “0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wdi_themes” with “2” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfblockediplog” with “~127” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfblocks7” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfconfig” with “~263” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfcrawlers” with “~13” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wffilechanges” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wffilemods” with “~23433” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfhits” with “~370” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfhoover” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfissues” with “~10” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfknownfilelist” with “~24346” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wflivetraffichuman” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wflocs” with “~178” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wflogins” with “~998” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfls_2fa_secrets” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfls_settings” with “~17” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfnotifications” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfpendingissues” with “~12” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfreversecache” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfsnipcache” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfstatus” with “~931” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_wftrafficrates” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_yoast_indexable” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_yoast_indexable_hierarchy” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_yoast_migrations” with “~18” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_yoast_primary_term” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table “wp_d71ryvwpcc_yoast_seo_links” with “~0” records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Added database dump “f20k43928469467.sql” with 22.55 MB to backup file list
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Database backup done!
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:55] Restart after 29 seconds.

    Plugin Support happyAnt


    hmm so according to the log, the DB backup completed successfully and the job still running. Is the job still running or just stuck now?
    Also, please give me your full screenshot of your job files tab (BackWPUp -> Jobs -> edit your job -> Files tab)
    Thank you!

    Thread Starter jennifermnamara



    Before, I had aborted the back up (after about 2 days or so running) and then sent you that info

    I have another one running now (currently at 597949 seconds/almost 7 days) so I will leave it running and here is the info for the current ongoing job

    I wasn’t sure exactly what to screenshot, I’ve made a short screen recording video: https://youtu.be/ygdhcErG4Y8 Please let me know if you need to see anything else. Thank you!

    The current log:

    [INFO] BackWPup 3.8.0; A project of Inpsyde GmbH
    [INFO] WordPress 5.7 on https://jennymcnamara.com/
    [INFO] Log Level: Debug
    [INFO] BackWPup job: Whole site back up; DBCHECK+DBDUMP+FILE+WPEXP+WPPLUGIN
    [INFO] Runs with user: jennymcnamara (1)
    [INFO] BackWPup no automatic job start configured
    [INFO] BackWPup job started manually
    [INFO] PHP ver.: 7.3.12 (64bit); cgi-fcgi; Linux
    [INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is 300 seconds
    [INFO] Script restart time is configured to 30 seconds
    [INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.7.26-29-log
    [INFO] Web Server: Apache
    [INFO] curl ver.: 7.45.0; OpenSSL/1.0.1e
    [INFO] Temp folder is: /var/www/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-986c32-temp/
    [INFO] Logfile is: /var/www/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-093749-logs/backwpup_log_3eef96_2021-04-13_17-26-27.html
    [INFO] Backup file is: /var/www/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-986c32-backups/2021-04-13_17-26-27_AOMGYMTU02.zip
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] 1. Try to backup database …
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Connected to database f20k43928469467 on f20k43928469467.db.43928469.687.hostedresource.net:3306
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_commentmeta" with "0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_comments" with "0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_duplicator_packages" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_expm_hiiden_content" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_expm_maker" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_expm_maker_pages" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_fb3d_pages" with "~63" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_cdn" with "0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_folders" with "0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_galleries" with "3" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_galleries_excluded" with "0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_galleries_resources" with "15" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_image_optimize" with "0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_membership_presets" with "0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_photos" with "15" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_photos_pos" with "23" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_photos_settings" with "0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_settings_presets" with "0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_settings_sets" with "3" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_stats" with "29" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_gg_tags" with "0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_ipages_flipbook" with "~1" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_links" with "0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_action_meta" with "~126" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_actions" with "~6" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_chunks" with "0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_field_meta" with "~385" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_fields" with "~14" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_form_meta" with "~36" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_forms" with "~2" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_object_meta" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_objects" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_relationships" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_nf3_upgrades" with "0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_ngg_album" with "0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_ngg_gallery" with "2" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_ngg_pictures" with "37" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_options" with "~499" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_postmeta" with "1905" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_posts" with "1007" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_term_relationships" with "46" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_term_taxonomy" with "20" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_termmeta" with "0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_terms" with "20" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_tm_taskmeta" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_tm_tasks" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_usermeta" with "67" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_users" with "1" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wdi_feeds" with "0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wdi_themes" with "2" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfblockediplog" with "~127" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfblocks7" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfconfig" with "~263" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfcrawlers" with "~13" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wffilechanges" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:27] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wffilemods" with "~23433" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfhits" with "~370" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfhoover" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfissues" with "~10" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfknownfilelist" with "~24346" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wflivetraffichuman" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wflocs" with "~178" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wflogins" with "~998" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfls_2fa_secrets" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfls_settings" with "~17" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfnotifications" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfpendingissues" with "~12" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfreversecache" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfsnipcache" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wfstatus" with "~931" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_wftrafficrates" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_yoast_indexable" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_yoast_indexable_hierarchy" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_yoast_migrations" with "~18" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_yoast_primary_term" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Backup database table "wp_d71ryvwpcc_yoast_seo_links" with "~0" records
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Added database dump "f20k43928469467.sql" with 22.55 MB to backup file list
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] Database backup done!
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:28] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
    [13-Apr-2021 17:26:55] Restart after 29 seconds.

    I have the exact same issue with the full back up. It stays stuck at 80% and never finishes. I’ve tried so many times and it does the same every time. Though the database back up does work..

    Plugin Support happyAnt


    @floravgn @jennifermnamara
    Please give me full screenshot of your job files tab, for example https://prnt.sc/11x8bzu

    Thread Starter jennifermnamara


    Plugin Support happyAnt


    @jennifermnamara Sorry about the delayed response, please help me EXCLUDE these following folders, as I have marked here then run the job again:

    @floravgn please try to exclude these folders ^^

    Perfect ! It worked !! Thank you so much for your help, so does it mean it’s only one of the plug-ins that block the backup or is it all of them ?

    Plugin Support happyAnt


    Since the issue has been fixed, I”m going to close it here ^^

    Plugin Support happyAnt


    Because you also backup folders created by other backup plugins, which quite heavy and contains duplicated backup of your site and lead to backup job stuck.

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