• I’ve got the API authorized nicely, and the backups are being generated on my server. But the upload to google drive is failing and I can’t get it to work manually or on the scheduler. In the backup log I’m seeing this:

    08:44 NOTICE Archive created successfully in 22.28 seconds. Archive file size is 116 MB
    2012-06-25 14:08:44 NOTICE Attempting to upload archive to Google Drive
    2012-06-25 14:08:45 ERROR Received response code ‘400 Bad Request’ while trying to get ‘https://docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/full/wpbackup&#8217;. Response body: <errors xmlns=’https://schemas.google.com/g/2005′><error><domain>GData</domain&gt;InvalidEntryException<internalReason>Invalid document id: wpbackup</internalReason></error></errors> (bad_response)
    2012-06-25 14:08:45 NOTICE Backup process completed in 24.49 seconds. Initial PHP memory usage was 38.75 MB and the backup process used another 32.25 MB of RAM.

    Note that the folder referenced, “wpbackup” is at the top level in google drive.

    I then removed the wpbackup designation from the backup setup entirely, so that it would just go to the root of my drive, and now I get a different problem:

    NOTICE Attempting to upload archive to Google Drive
    2012-06-25 14:32:02 ERROR The upload process timed out but can be resumed. (resumable)

    I can only assume there is some dead-simple thing I’m missing, as so many people seem to successfully use this plugin. Any ideas?

    Also, is there a limit to the number of times you can manually initiate the backup from google’s perspective? I’m wondering if during my troubleshooting I annoyed The Google by trying it several times in a few minutes. But even so, I don’t know why it won’t go to the folder I originally designated. Am I correct by just putting in the name of the folder if it’s at the top level of my drive?


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  • You are supposed to enter the Google Drive Folder ID and not it’s name on the Backup settings page.

    Thread Starter susanthehuman


    That (folder ID) may have been the problem that got me the 400 error, but as I said I’ve since removed the folder name altogether, so that can no longer be the issue. Now it just times out, even when I wait several hours to try it.

    Since the backup plugin page clearly says: “Leave empty to save in root folder.” leaving that box empty cannot be the problem, either.

    Has anyone out there had a problem with timeout on this plugin?

    Attempting to upload archive to Google Drive
    2012-06-25 23:27:55 ERROR The upload process timed out but can be resumed. (resumable)

    The problem is your upload speed to Google is very slow. Even so the upload will resume and eventually the backup will complete.

    Thanks Hel.io, It worked perfectly when I used folder ID instead of folder name.

    Thanks very much for the great plugin.

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