• Resolved LeeStewie


    Hi there,

    First of all, I’d just like to say thanks to the developer for this module – it has the potential to be such an excellent addition to any WordPress blog.

    I’m experiencing a couple of problems with the module though.

    First of all – the backup isn’t getting transfered to my Google Drive (I’ve tried this on 3 of my blogs – and all with the same outcome):

    2012-05-20 14:36:26 NOTICE Attempting to upload archive to Google Drive
    2012-05-20 14:36:26 ERROR Failed to upload archive to Google Drive!

    Secondly, now that I have the maximum backups created (I’ve set this to be 3, I’m also getting another error:

    2012-05-20 14:36:40 NOTICE Attempting to create archive /home/theblogg/public_html/leestewie/wp-content/backup/1337524600.zip
    2012-05-20 14:36:47 ERROR There was a problem creating the zip file! /home/theblogg/public_html/leestewie/wp-content/plugins/backup/backup.php 290

    Thirdly, the frequencies appear to be incorrect. For example, I select ‘Monthly’ to be ‘When to Backup’ and for some reason the next Backup is going to be December?

    Any ideas?

    As I say, this is going to be a brilliant plugin – just seems there’s a couple of issues to still be ironed out (unless I’m being really thick – then I apologise!)




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  • Lee,

    I have good news and bad news.

    The good news is that I have found the problems with the help of another user who is experiencing the exact same issues as you are.

    The bad news is that the problems are a couple of PHP bugs that require me to write quite a bit of code to work around. You can read about the bugs here and here.

    You can either upgrade to at least PHP 5.3 or wait for me to rewrite the plugin.

    I am very sorry for the inconvenience.

    Thread Starter LeeStewie


    Hi hel.io,

    No problem, at least the root cause to the problem has been found.

    Any ideas when you envisage you’ll have re-written, just so I have an idea of whether I need to harass my web hosts or not!


    Hi hel.io,

    Thanks for all your hard work! It’s backing up to my server, but not google drive.

    I’m getting these errors in wp-content/backup/backup.log:

    NOTICE Attempting to upload archive to Google Drive
    ERROR Could not create SimpleXMLElement from Invalid request URI…561
    ERROR Could not retrieve resumable create media link…398
    ERROR Failed to upload archive to Google Drive!

    My host site uses PHP 5.3.10 and I’m using v1.1.6

    I’m having it back up to a folder in my google drive. Authorization has been granted.

    ps: I also made a post about this here on your hel.io site, but you can just reply on here.

    Thanks :)!

    Hi swells,

    I noticed your comment on my site.

    As I wrote above I am currently rewriting the plugin and it will hopefully fix the issues you are experiencing.

    The new version of the plugin should be ready for testing in a few days.

    Awesome! Thank you!


    For everyone watching this, version 2.0 is out. Please test it and give me some feedback.

    Thread Starter LeeStewie


    Hi hel.io – and thanks for the update. I’ve just updated the plugin, but there are no options for Google Drive anymore. Has this feature been removed?

    Hi Lee,

    Why would I remove the feature this plugin was made for? After authorizing the plugin to use Google Drive the options will come up. ( there should be a metabox called Authorization on the sidebar, maybe check screen options if it doesn’t show ).

    Thread Starter LeeStewie


    It would seem purely just updating to the latest version doesn’t show all the features – as once I un-installed and re-installed the functionality seemed to appear.

    I’ll test it out and let you know how it goes ??

    Thread Starter LeeStewie


    I’ve just tried to run a few backups – but I wasn’t getting the correct Google Drive folder (I forgot it was the code in the url as opposed as to the hierachy! D’on!) Anyway.. I changed it to be correct and I’m now experiencing the following:

    2012-06-14 21:50:19 NOTICE Attempting to dump database to /home/theblogg/public_html/leestewie/wp-content/backup/dump.sql
    2012-06-14 21:50:19 NOTICE The database dump was completed successfully in 0.22 seconds.
    2012-06-14 21:50:19 NOTICE Attempting to create archive /home/theblogg/public_html/leestewie/wp-content/backup/1339714218.zip
    2012-06-14 21:50:22 ERROR Could not properly close archive ‘/home/theblogg/public_html/leestewie/wp-content/backup/1339714218.zip’. (zip)

    It’s bizare, as I have selected 1 local backup and 3 in Google Drive – but yet, there’s been 3 large (8mb+) .zip files created in the local folder and 0 in Google Drive (although that’s my fault for the incorrect folder code!)

    Any suggestions?

    It seems the archives aren’t being created properly. Should they be smaller than 8 MB?
    Maybe you are trying to backup some files that you are not allowed to read?

    Do you get any errors in your error log?

    Thread Starter LeeStewie


    Oops – my bad again, I ran out of webspace which was causing the problem!

    The process completed but unfortuantley nothing to Google Drive:

    “2012-06-14 22:43:24 NOTICE Attempting to upload archive to Google Drive
    2012-06-14 22:43:53 ERROR The upload process timed out but can be resumed. (resumable)”

    Any ideas?

    I seem to now have 6 .zip files stored in local server, so I’m not sure if it’s correctly picking up my input of 1 local file only

    Hi hel.io!

    I just tried 2.0 (I had to uninstall the previous 1.1.6 and reinstall it because I was getting errors copying 2.0 over 1.1.6), and after re-authorizing and trying out a manual backup, it seemed to work!!

    Thank you!!

    One suggestion: Put the link in to the google authorization page…you had it in the older version and it was great because I didn’t have to go searching to find the google account page to set up the authorization token/api access.

    Great job!



    As it stands, if there is an error when uploading to Google Drive, the local archive won’t get purged, that’s why there are so many local archives. I should probably fix that.

    As for you latest error “The upload process timed out but can be resumed”, it is actually a good sign. The only problem is the upload process took too long (2 minutes) and so it timed out, but an upload resume was scheduled for ASAP which should continue where it left of.

    If your upload speed is slow or if archives are large, you may wan to change the time limit in the advanced section (only works if safe mode is disabled in PHP).


    There is context help implemented on the settings page (click on the help button on the top right of the page). You can find the link there, on the Authorization tab.

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