Hi @rohithkp
As I don’t have your debug code or any logs, I’ll only assume that your backup failed due to web server timeout.
It is most common issue – it can also prevent you from seeing error.
Please open first section of the plugin named: “What will be backed up?”
Find subsection named: “Exclude by folder / file name (case-sensitive)”
Here add these three rules, like on image: https://prnt.sc/9oftADPd_Z7e
Once you do that, please follow these steps:
1. Go to “Other options” section
2. Change backup method: https://prnt.sc/1s1ofpa
3. Disable PHP CLI checking: https://prnt.sc/1sljr31
4. Save “Other options” section
5. Force stop both processes: https://prnt.sc/1trv1tm
Once you do that, try to run your backup process again to see if that will resolve the issue, if anything like before will happen, please refresh the window and generate debug code here: https://prnt.sc/lKbjrSAqQudm
Thank you!