• BackWPup Free 3.1 Release Candidate has been released for testing purposes and can be downloaded via our public GitHub repository:

    ZIP file: https://github.com/inpsyde/backwpup/archive/3.1-rc-1.zip

    3.1 RC includes a large number improvements and bug fixes. We’ve done a general performance overhaul including solutions to prevent timeouts during uploads and while generating archives.

    Please test 3.1 RC in a test environment only and report any issues via the GitHub issue tracker.

    Posting Issues at GitHub
    Before you post an issue, please evaluate if any unexpected behavior could be related to other plugins (on/off test). If so, please indicate it in your issue description.

    When you post an issue, please make sure to include

    WordPress version
    Server (Apache, Windows…)
    PHP and MySQL version
    We kindly ask you not to use the issue tracker at GitHub for support questions. In order to make BackWPup Free what we want it to be for you, we need to focus on pushing this release to a stable version. Therefore, we won’t reply to support questions appearing at GitHub.

    If you already have translated a prior version of BackWPup: thank you so much, we really appreciate your contribution, you have done a tremendous job! Now would be a good time to keep your engagement going.
    If BackWPup has not been translated into your language so far and you feel like giving it a go, please drop us a line via info at inpsyde dot com.

    Thanks for using BackWPup Free!


  • The topic ‘BackWPup 3.1-rc-1 Beta available for testing’ is closed to new replies.