• Hello
    I′ve following problem.
    I planned a task and task started very well.
    Database backup ok.
    List of files for backup ok.
    WordPress export as XML ok.
    List of installed plugins ok.
    Generate manifest file ok.
    Then starting first try to make a backup and I get a message that BackWPup will try to compress files as PclZip.
    After approx 20 min a message in yellow apear with a warning that the backup will restarted in case of 5 min inactivity.
    30 Min later I get again the same message for the second try.
    7 Min later I get third time the same message and BackWPup skip this step and start checking database.
    Tjis will end after few seconds and the job ended with a warning message that there are warning in the protocol and that I should cure the errors.
    But I could not see the reason of the problem.
    Can anybody help me?


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  • Similar problem. Using this plugin (awesome, thanks!) for backing up a couple multisite instances. In the past week the backups have begun the fail 3x issue with the same errors regarding 5 min of inactivity.
    Our assumptions are that it’s a max execution time problem, because this is a very large backup that definitely takes more than 5 minutes. However…
    (1) it didn’t have this problem before last week despite the fact that it was virtually the same size and took just as long and,
    (2) we’re using this for another backup in a similar situation (not quite as large but still more than 5 minute run time) that is *not* failing.

    We tried this running in cron but in this case we get a very explicit run time error:
    ERROR: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded

    My questions —
    Does the setting (under “Jobs”) for “Maximum script execution time” not impact this at all then? Looks liek the 300 sec is coded into the plugin in a few places.
    Anything else that might be causing the initial error, “5 min of inactivity”?
    Anyone else overwriting this explicit 300 sec setting? Which, yes, is a bad idea, I know, but I’m at a bit of a loss…


    same problem here, I made also a topic on this subject, you can find it here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/limit-in-mb-for-backup?replies=2

    But no replies yet… I’ll wait here together with you for answers…

    joining with same problem here.

    occurs like twohlgemuths description (“5 min inactivity error”) while zipping as tar.gz, although my backup is something tiny (only two plugins and a 500kb database).

    when zipping is set to .zip, the error written by Sonja occurs (“(ER_DELETED) Entry has been deleted”, https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/ziparchive-returns-status-er_deleted-entry-has-been-deleted)
    In contrast to zipping with tar.gz a (nevertheless faulty) backup-mail is sent.

    max execution time 60sec here and I started the backup manually.

    is anyone having news?

    This is a duplicate of the bug at:

    …which has (now old) replies from the author. It is unresolved. Please follow the issue there.

    (note that above link is just page 2)

    I’m getting the same problem with a site that until the middle of August, was backing up just fine, automatically to FTP. It’s more than 1GB in size, not that that should matter.

    Same Problem here… inactivity for 5 minutes and failing to to the update

    I’d really love to use the plugin. Is there any solution by now?

    Looks like the solution is to buy the premium version of the plugin which comes with support.

    I solved it by backing up to a local folder instead of FTP which doesn’t time out.


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